8.03.305H Job entry\Job Scheduling Board

Thank you Olwyn. I suspected as much, but just wanted to make sure I didn't miss some discussion in the group had it been a valid issue.

Olwyn Emery <olwyn@...> wrote: Hi Melissa

I have just checked this on our live system at 305h and it is absolutely
fine for both me as a system manager and also a limited access user so I
would suggest it may be something data related


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Melissa Hietala
UMC, Inc.

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Anyone running 8.03.305h and has acces to scheduling? I am finding on our test server that if I open up a job in Job Entry then right click in the job field and choose Job Scheduling Board I get the foloowing error:

The following application error was encountered:
The process caller failed to invoke method LaunchForm in Epicor.Mfg.UI.App.Launch in E:\epicor\mfgsys803\client\Epicor.Mfg.UI.JobSchedulingBoardEntry

Is anyone else experiencing this or can test it so I can determine if it is my test server or if it is in fact a Vantage issue?
Thanks for any insight and information.

Melissa Hietala
UMC, Inc.

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Hi Melissa

I have just checked this on our live system at 305h and it is absolutely
fine for both me as a system manager and also a limited access user so I
would suggest it may be something data related


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