64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1?

I was using XP x64 when we first figured out how to install Vantage on a 64bit system. We successfully ran 4.2 and 5.x. I see no reason why 6.1 would not work the same.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of shraderc
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 6:48 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1???

It would be exciting to get Vantage 6.1 working on an XP 64-Bit workstation - and this now seems possible according to this thread. Is there a minimum version of Progress that one must be running in order to do this? I'm reading that this can be done in Win7 64-Bit; can someone confirm they have run Vantage 6.1 in XP 64-Bit?

Chuck S.
Oak Ridge, TN
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I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003. What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1 on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this successfully?
I have not fully tried. But I have heard you can't unless you upgrade the machine from a XP 32bit OS.

We have our drafting team working on Windows 7 64bit and have them use Remote Desktop into a Windows 2003 32bit terminal server.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of fingerz
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 3:11 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1???

I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003. What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1 on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this successfully?

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We are. The install routine is a little different (I have a document
outlining this somewhere) but aside from that it works great.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of fingerz
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:11 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage

I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be
running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003.
What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1
on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this

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From a previous post (you will need to make the necessary changes for your version of Vantage and your environment):

This ended up working great, I now have Vantage 6.1 working perfectly in Windows 7 RC1 x64. In case anyone was wondering the correct line to add to the services file for 6.1 is:

mfgsys61 6100/tcp

After the steps listed below and the addition of this line all I had to do was associate .mfg files with V:\mfgsys61\db\Mfg.exe

Hope this helps someone else out there.
Jim & everyone else thank you again.
FYI - we have been running Vantage on 64 bit clients since Windows XP x64 and Vantage 5.0, other than the manual install we have had no issues. This includes Vista Business, Enterprise, Windows 7 beta and RC.

Below is an old posting for 5.0 just need to change everything for 6.1.
Did you edit the services file? No shortcuts - copy from another machine or create a shortcut to the .mfg files you need.

Here is what we do:

Vantage Drive = V

Run V:\Progress\netsetup\setup.exe

Run V:\Vantage\OCX\InstOcx.exe

Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\services (for example: Epic50 2500/tcp) You can find the service in the vantage.vtg (for 6.1 vantage.mfg) file, connections= -S "xxxxx", 2500 is the default port for 5.0, tcp is the protocol.

The services file needs Local Admin rights or Explicit user Rights (Domain Admin will not work - although Domain Admin can change the rights).

For Vantage Help:

For Vantage help on Windows Vista we did not have to turn off any security settings. But we did have to add some registry settings. You can copy and paste the following text into a text file and name it something like vant32hlp.reg. Then you can either double click on it to install or add it to a script.

Vista 32 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Vista 64 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




For the older versions of Vantage we had to use the 32bit ODBC Data Source administrator located in: C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe. This is not the same one in "Administrative Tools".


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of fingerz
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 3:11 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1???

I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003. What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1 on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this successfully?

**Warning** Any technical data is or may be controlled under the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and may not be exported, released, or disclosed to foreign nationals without proper authorization by the U.S. Department of State." "CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission, its contents and any attachments (hereinafter referred to collectively as "transmission") are confidential and are solely directed to, and intended for, the named addressee(s) only. Any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission by an unintended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you receive this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this transmission in its entirety from your files. All intellectual property rights in this transmission are expressly reserved."

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Someone posted a workaround in the archive of this list long time ago that I used to get our system to work on Win7 64-bit with Vantage 6.1. Our Vantage 6.1 is also running a 32bit edition of Windows Server 2003, so this is the same setup as you. If you don't like do this, you can always run VMLite with Windows XP Mode for free and run a virtualized client of XP within Windows 7, some of our staff like it vs the native client. Or go terminal services. If you're tech savvy enough, you should be able to follow the instructions below. Otherwise, go into the archive of this list in yahoo groups and just search for "Windows 7" and you'll come across the write up after some digging around.

Vantage 6.1 on Windows 7 64-bit, quick and dirty:

Create your vntgwk61 working directory on your Windows 7 C: first.

Run the setup.exe from your \\Epicorbox\Progress\netsetup share. Follow the steps like any other type of install.

Once progress shared network client is installed, install the OCX controls. They're under \\Epicorbox\Mfgsys61\OCX<file:///\\Epicorbox\Mfgsys61\OCX>. It's called InstOCX.exe or something.

Then on the Windows 7 box, open in notepad your services file. It's under C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\
Scan to the bottom of the ports and add an entry like this:
mfgsys61 6100/tcp
NOTE: If you use another port for your 4GL appserver, change the port accordingly in the services file.

Now you need to create a shortcut to launch Vantage.

Create a new shortcut and in the location enter: "T:\Mfgsys61\Mfg.exe T:\Mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"
Substitute whatever your drive map letter and paths for what you have on your network. Mfg.exe will be your executable with the file parameter it opens is the Vantage.MFG on your Vantage share. If you use Data Collector/MES, Report Builder, etc same process only you pick whichever .MFG file at the end of the shortcut command.

Open the shortcut and you're rockin. It's super-fast too since it doesn't have to pull the OCX controls over the network every time you open a window in Vantage. It all runs locally.

Have fun...


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of fingerz
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:11 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1???

I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003. What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1 on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this successfully?


Technical information contained in this e-mail may be controlled by the United States Government, Department of State, International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 120-130) which requires an export license prior to sharing with foreign persons. Lacking such license, ITAR technical data is limited to U.S. persons only. It is the responsibility of the organization and the individual in control of this data to abide by U.S. Export Laws. If you are not a U.S. person take no further action with this e-mail and contact sender immediately.

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--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, James Todd <james.todd@...> wrote:
> Someone posted a workaround in the archive of this list long time ago that I used to get our system to work on Win7 64-bit with Vantage 6.1. Our Vantage 6.1 is also running a 32bit edition of Windows Server 2003, so this is the same setup as you. If you don't like do this, you can always run VMLite with Windows XP Mode for free and run a virtualized client of XP within Windows 7, some of our staff like it vs the native client. Or go terminal services. If you're tech savvy enough, you should be able to follow the instructions below. Otherwise, go into the archive of this list in yahoo groups and just search for "Windows 7" and you'll come across the write up after some digging around.
> Vantage 6.1 on Windows 7 64-bit, quick and dirty:
> Create your vntgwk61 working directory on your Windows 7 C: first.
> Run the setup.exe from your \\Epicorbox\Progress\netsetup share. Follow the steps like any other type of install.
> Once progress shared network client is installed, install the OCX controls. They're under \\Epicorbox\Mfgsys61\OCX<file:///\\Epicorbox\Mfgsys61\OCX>. It's called InstOCX.exe or something.
> Then on the Windows 7 box, open in notepad your services file. It's under C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\
> Scan to the bottom of the ports and add an entry like this:
> mfgsys61 6100/tcp
> NOTE: If you use another port for your 4GL appserver, change the port accordingly in the services file.
> Now you need to create a shortcut to launch Vantage.
> Create a new shortcut and in the location enter: "T:\Mfgsys61\Mfg.exe T:\Mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG"
> Substitute whatever your drive map letter and paths for what you have on your network. Mfg.exe will be your executable with the file parameter it opens is the Vantage.MFG on your Vantage share. If you use Data Collector/MES, Report Builder, etc same process only you pick whichever .MFG file at the end of the shortcut command.
> Open the shortcut and you're rockin. It's super-fast too since it doesn't have to pull the OCX controls over the network every time you open a window in Vantage. It all runs locally.
> Have fun...
> -J
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of fingerz
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:11 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] 64-Bit Workstation with 32-Bit Server and Vantage 6.1???
> All,
> I'm looking to upgrade our drafting dept.to new PC's that will be running 64-bit Windows 7. Both of our servers are 32-bit Server 2003. What if any kind of issues will a 64-bit workstation running Vantage 6.1 on a 32-bit edition of Server 2003 experience? Has anyone done this successfully?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> ________________________________
> Technical information contained in this e-mail may be controlled by the United States Government, Department of State, International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 120-130) which requires an export license prior to sharing with foreign persons. Lacking such license, ITAR technical data is limited to U.S. persons only. It is the responsibility of the organization and the individual in control of this data to abide by U.S. Export Laws. If you are not a U.S. person take no further action with this e-mail and contact sender immediately.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

It would be exciting to get Vantage 6.1 working on an XP 64-Bit workstation - and this now seems possible according to this thread. Is there a minimum version of Progress that one must be running in order to do this? I'm reading that this can be done in Win7 64-Bit; can someone confirm they have run Vantage 6.1 in XP 64-Bit?

Chuck S.
Oak Ridge, TN