[6.10] AMM Question in 6.1 version

This is a repeat of an earlier posting....which never came into my inbox so I am not sure if it might have gotten clobbered by Yahoo. Slightly modified to reflect some subsequent info from Epicor.

We have a small issue with evaluating AMM for version 6.10. When doing a WIP Movement we can't see the current quantity in the "from" location. There are fields shown there but they are blank. Advice from Epicor was to set a default location for the Part which will then show the quantity but we don't see how this helps when the "from" location needs to either be each operation's out bin or a temporary WIP storage location while waiting for the next machine to be available. Another scenario is to shear and blank a whole jobs worth of parts, store them in WIP and then use them a little at a time to flow through the remaining operations in synch with order releases. Keeping track of the remaining qty in WIP between those operations is critical. I checked for company settings related to AMM but did not see anything.

Also, perhaps related, completing an operation wipes out the quantity in the output bin location for the operation. Is this normal? Where does it think it went? We did get a response about "auto move" when turned on on the work center clearing the material queue so I am trying to track that down.

Any light that can be shed on the above (again, in 6.1 AMM - we know 8.03.4xx is different) would be much appreciated.

Todd Caughey
IT Manager
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.

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