I am either spacing on the details for making a VB form field visible to Crystal or it may be a case of the fields being ommitted from the DBF files. I have a VB form check box on the part table VB form to indicate RoHs compliance for the part. I need to trigger a statement on the Packing Slip. But the ShipDtl and ShipHead dbf files are not showing the field with the external name "PMROHS". I had tried to verify the database from in Crystal but if the field is not in the DBF I don't think this does much good. It has been awhile since I did a VB Form field meant for Crystal and I vaguely recall there being some naming requirements to make them get passed to the dbf file. Otherewise perhaps the packing slip generation program does not include VB Form fields. My only alternative then would be using the UDinterger1 field on the User Defiend fields form (1=true, 0=false).
Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
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Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
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