[6.1]Backup to mapped drive

I have found that any scheduled task running with a mapped drive will
only work if the computer is logged on to the desktop whose profile has
the mapped drive.

The UNC mapping is probably the better way to go.

What we have done is to do the backup locally and then set up a separate
batch file/ scheduled task to copy the backup file to a different

Jerry Rodden

Asst. Manager - MIS

Cardington Yutaka Technologies Inc.

575 West Main Street

Cardington, OH 43315

Phone: 419-864-8777 ext. 6209

Fax: 419-864-7771

Email jrodden@...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm trying to run a vantage backup to a mapped network drive with a task
made with the "at" command calling a batch file. The task fails with a
"cannot find or open the file". However, if I run the batch file directly
from a command prompt, the backup runs without a problem. I run several
backups during the day as tasks without a problem, but they are not to
mapped drives. I thought it might be a sharing/permissions issue, but
wouldn't the batch file fail from the command prompt fail if it were a
permissions issue?

Any ideas why the task doesn't run?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Mgr.
Anything scheduled with at will automatically run under the system account
which does not have access to any network drives. You will need to
configure your scheduled process to run under an account with the sufficient


Ted Kitch

Information Technology Manager

Astro Machine Corporation


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Norm Watkins
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Vantage@Yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [Vantage][6.1]Backup to mapped drive

I'm trying to run a vantage backup to a mapped network drive with a task
made with the "at" command calling a batch file. The task fails with a
"cannot find or open the file". However, if I run the batch file directly
from a command prompt, the backup runs without a problem. I run several
backups during the day as tasks without a problem, but they are not to
mapped drives. I thought it might be a sharing/permissions issue, but
wouldn't the batch file fail from the command prompt fail if it were a
permissions issue?

Any ideas why the task doesn't run?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Mgr.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Ted's exactly right about AT commands running as the system-account.
What's more, even if you configure the command to run under an account
with sufficient permissions, the drive-mapping may not "persist" (as in,
be able to be referenced) by the account if it's not actually logged-in
interactively to the system at the time.

A better option might be to have the backup-routine access the actual
share which the drive-mapping is referencing instead of accessing the
mapped-drive. You'll still need to run the script as an account with
sufficient permissions to access the share, but whether the
drive-mapping is available or not won't be an issue.

I've found that it is infinitely easier to manage scheduled routines
like this using the "Scheduled Tasks" interface available under the "All
Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools" folder than it is to use the
"AT" command-line version. And coming from a guy who loves command-line
tools, that's saying a lot.

Keep us posted.

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Ted Kitch
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:15 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage][6.1]Backup to mapped drive

Anything scheduled with at will automatically run under the system
which does not have access to any network drives. You will need to
configure your scheduled process to run under an account with the


Ted Kitch

Information Technology Manager

Astro Machine Corporation


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> ] On
Behalf Of
Norm Watkins
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Vantage@Yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [Vantage][6.1]Backup to mapped drive

I'm trying to run a vantage backup to a mapped network drive with a task
made with the "at" command calling a batch file. The task fails with a
"cannot find or open the file". However, if I run the batch file
from a command prompt, the backup runs without a problem. I run several
backups during the day as tasks without a problem, but they are not to
mapped drives. I thought it might be a sharing/permissions issue, but
wouldn't the batch file fail from the command prompt fail if it were a
permissions issue?

Any ideas why the task doesn't run?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Mgr.

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