Do you happen to have an SCR number on the PO Suggestion problem?
--- In, "Tom" <tombosko@...> wrote:
> Just FYI for those considering running .407. There is a huge bug
> does not create purchasing suggestions correctly. Basically they
> either aren't there or come and go erractically. This will be fixed
> in .407a, so I'm told.
> Other bug about notes in jobs that will be addressed in .408, so
> told.See below for details on this one:
> Summary: Append details adds material part comments
> 1/16/2009 6:14:21 AM .EPICOR_HELP_DESK
> Detail:
> When appending details to a job, some material job comments
> with the manufacturing comments from the upper level part. This
> requires deleting the job material comments from many material
> REsponse from Epicor support:
> I was able to duplicate this issue in version 8.03.407 and did
> research to see if it has been reported and Development created SCR
> 54397 that will fix this issue in version 8.03.408 which is
> for release in March 2009.
> In the meantime the only workaround suggested is to delete the
> comments that were pasted in the job materials.
> We have been running .407 about 2 weeks and use every aspect of
> Vantage. From APM to infoworker, Service connect and Open4 PR(3rd
> party). We are also starting to use shop floor labor reporting and
> sending it into Open4 payroll, this took some custom programming
> to our unique requirements.
> Tom Bosko
> Miner Enterprises