.407 Bug(s) Blank Title 73298

Do you happen to have an SCR number on the PO Suggestion problem?

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Tom" <tombosko@...> wrote:
> Just FYI for those considering running .407. There is a huge bug
> does not create purchasing suggestions correctly. Basically they
> either aren't there or come and go erractically. This will be fixed
> in .407a, so I'm told.
> Other bug about notes in jobs that will be addressed in .408, so
> told.See below for details on this one:
> Summary: Append details adds material part comments
> 1/16/2009 6:14:21 AM .EPICOR_HELP_DESK
> Detail:
> When appending details to a job, some material job comments
> with the manufacturing comments from the upper level part. This
> requires deleting the job material comments from many material
> REsponse from Epicor support:
> I was able to duplicate this issue in version 8.03.407 and did
> research to see if it has been reported and Development created SCR
> 54397 that will fix this issue in version 8.03.408 which is
> for release in March 2009.
> In the meantime the only workaround suggested is to delete the
> comments that were pasted in the job materials.
> We have been running .407 about 2 weeks and use every aspect of
> Vantage. From APM to infoworker, Service connect and Open4 PR(3rd
> party). We are also starting to use shop floor labor reporting and
> sending it into Open4 payroll, this took some custom programming
> to our unique requirements.
> Tom Bosko
> Miner Enterprises
Just FYI for those considering running .407. There is a huge bug that
does not create purchasing suggestions correctly. Basically they
either aren't there or come and go erractically. This will be fixed
in .407a, so I'm told.

Other bug about notes in jobs that will be addressed in .408, so I'm
told.See below for details on this one:

Summary: Append details adds material part comments
1/16/2009 6:14:21 AM .EPICOR_HELP_DESK
When appending details to a job, some material job comments populate
with the manufacturing comments from the upper level part. This
requires deleting the job material comments from many material lines.

REsponse from Epicor support:

I was able to duplicate this issue in version 8.03.407 and did
research to see if it has been reported and Development created SCR
54397 that will fix this issue in version 8.03.408 which is scheduled
for release in March 2009.

In the meantime the only workaround suggested is to delete the
comments that were pasted in the job materials.

We have been running .407 about 2 weeks and use every aspect of
Vantage. From APM to infoworker, Service connect and Open4 PR(3rd
party). We are also starting to use shop floor labor reporting and
sending it into Open4 payroll, this took some custom programming due
to our unique requirements.

Tom Bosko
Miner Enterprises
I have found that when they changed how the price list function when
accessing the list from part master you now have to select the search button
then go and get the part numbers manually. This is being reported as going
to fixed in version 9 with no date for version 405. This change know locks
you out of accessing the price lists through part tracker.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom [mailto:tombosko@...]
Sent: January 22, 2009 9:24 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] .407 Bug(s)

Just FYI for those considering running .407. There is a huge bug that
does not create purchasing suggestions correctly. Basically they
either aren't there or come and go erractically. This will be fixed
in .407a, so I'm told.

Other bug about notes in jobs that will be addressed in .408, so I'm
told.See below for details on this one:

Summary: Append details adds material part comments
1/16/2009 6:14:21 AM .EPICOR_HELP_DESK
When appending details to a job, some material job comments populate
with the manufacturing comments from the upper level part. This
requires deleting the job material comments from many material lines.

REsponse from Epicor support:

I was able to duplicate this issue in version 8.03.407 and did
research to see if it has been reported and Development created SCR
54397 that will fix this issue in version 8.03.408 which is scheduled
for release in March 2009.

In the meantime the only workaround suggested is to delete the
comments that were pasted in the job materials.

We have been running .407 about 2 weeks and use every aspect of
Vantage. From APM to infoworker, Service connect and Open4 PR(3rd
party). We are also starting to use shop floor labor reporting and
sending it into Open4 payroll, this took some custom programming due
to our unique requirements.

Tom Bosko
Miner Enterprises