3rd party software database integration

Epicor Version: 10.1.600.15

We have a 3rd party vendor that handles our vending machines for our tooling, and the powers that be have decided that they want that 3rd party system to talk to Epicor and modify data in the database.

I do know that it is 100% possible just by connecting to the SQL Server and throwing SQL commands at it, but I also know that is a sure-fire way [if not a practically guaranteed way] to break Epicor. So, my question is: Is there a proper way to go about this? IE: If a 3rd party system wanted to modify the data for a part in Epicor, is there a “best-practices” way to do that? Is there additional licensing required for that? (Does that require the SDK license?)

Epicor Service Connect could handle this. Not the greatest app but it does work.

And REST is available in 10.1.600 too. So you might be able to do a UBAQ.

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I would bet you could use the REST interface. That way you will be using the Epicor Business Objects. Much safer way of working with DB.

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Either way you have to use the Epicor business objects to interact with the database, otherwise, things like database integrity, warranty, support, guaranteed future upgrades etc go out of the window.

It has been mentioned on another thread to do with interfacing an external ordering system to Epicor, but another option is to put the data into one of the UD table using REST / DMT/ Service Connect or custom code using the business objects and then use a method directive on the ‘Update’ method for the UD table to call the relevant business objects to populate Epicor.

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