3 digit UD field with leading zeros


I’ve got to add a field that shows 3 digits, and keep the leading zeros.

Am I forced to set up the UD field as string x(3), then use the extended properties wizard to set the field mask to 999?

Or is there a better way? Thanks for the help!

(this thread was super helpful - Can't get EpiNumericEditor to display an integer. V10.1.400.18 - #3 by rbucek - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum. Thanks Rob and Jose!)

How are you using the leading zeros? Did you try just setting the UD field up as an integer with 999 for the format?

Hi Mike,

The 3 digits are part of an identification number that we match with a string in payments.

The original UD field was an integer, so it stripped the leading zeros. Integers treat “012” as “12”, and save it as “12”.

I created a new UD field of string type, formatted to x(3), and it works as intended.

Setting the field mask to 999 didn’t work. Guessing because that’s for numbers, not strings… A co-worker also gave me the following code to restrict the data entry to digits only, which was added to the form:

    	private void txtLastThree_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
    		e.Handled = ! (char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) || char.IsControl(e.KeyChar));