2024.1 - MES - End Activity - "Record Not Found" Error / Bug?

2024.1 MES - Epicor changed an event which started causing issues in our testing, resulting with “End Activity” errors of “Record Not Found”.

I started comparing the events in 2023.2 vs 2024.1 and this seems to be the culprit…

Onclick of the End Activity Button, it would trigger the below event:

LaunchPDFFormTemplateView (2023.2)

LaunchPDFFormTemplateView (2024.1)

Note that if I search for “Launch” there are now TWO events in 2024.1. For whatever reason, they split some of the functionality out… so when LaunchPDFFormTemplateView runs, the first step is event-next, calling LaunchPDFFormTemplateView_Perform:

Below is the “mapped out” change:

The problem appears to be, that when Epicor did this “split”… they didn’t include the first condition (starred above).

2023.3 Condition 1:
%LaborDtl.hasRow% && %LaborDtl.count% > 0 && '{LaborDtl.TemplateID}' !== ''

2023.2 Condition 2:
'{sysVariable.prompt}' === 'true'

2024.1 Condition 1: DNE

2024.1 Condition 2:
'{sysVariable.prompt}' === 'true'

I’m not even sure what the LaborDtl.TemplateID is… but apparently we don’t use them? In 2023.1 this first condition would fail… and the End Activity process would continue on uninterupted.

In 2024.1 without that condition, we would receive “Record Not Found” errors, because it was looking for a LaborDtl.TemplateID of (blank/null/etc./??)

Anyway… to get around this, I made a COPY of the base (Locked) “LaunchPDFFormTemplateView” event.

In my copy, I re-inserted the missing condition:

I then created an “Override” event.

  • Trigger: Event, Override, LaunchPDFFormTemplateView
  • Event-next: Copy_Of_LaunchPDFFormTemplateView

So, now when I end an Activity, instead of running the stock event, my event kicks off instead which includes the original condition from 2023.2… and all is hunky-dory again.

I’m going to report this as a bug… but I also wanted to document this (1) in case anyone else runs into this issue, and (2) because if it IS a bug, but Epicor doesn’t patch it before 2024.1 hits our LIVE environment, I’m going to have to implement this change there immediately following the update.