Waiting for the questions…
We are currently on 10.1.400.16 and scheduled to go live on Jan 2018.
Not sure when we release for on premise. SaaS just deployed quietly (on our side) this weekend so will curious to see reception.
At least for DT, we have an outstanding ticket on how to upload EI (SEPA) files in 10.2 DT.
I’m also interested in conversing with other SaaS users out there. We are currently Single Tenant moving to DT and it would be nice to reduce some of the support calls and collaborate with active/implementing users.
Mark W.
One 10.2 question @Bart_Elia, roughly how long before EpicWeb contains the new Documentation?
Mark W.
The SaaS content should be live up there. The bulk of the docs will go live when the bits are made available to on premise. I don’t remember what the internal dates are for release but our process now is to watch SaaS for a period of time to ensure things are stable before releasing on premise - obviously it’s easier to react to issues when they are on our own servers. Once that level of confidence is reached, the installs and balance of docs will be.
@Mark_Wonsil Which were you interested in?
I’m mostly interested in the Customization Manual, ICE manual, and the Technical Reference Guides. I have checked out the Release Guides and Changes documentation, which has helped. Also, we’re trying to get our heads around the new Check Becon/Bank Statement processing.
Mark W.
Check out Solution Workbench. Finally, db scripts for seed data and fix ups.
Also you have checksumming to confirm the package is from you and not tampered with.
Turns out there’s an issue with Solution WB and an FTP deployment site: PRB0087852. We were hoping to move our custom SSRS reports that way but it throws an error. It’s something they know about and are working on.
I’ve witnessed check-summing in Product Configurator imports/exports! It even blocked a 10.1.600 -> 10.2.100 move! Fortunately, there’s not a lot of work to worry about and we were able to copy/paste the few items we needed since that configurator was still under-development.
Thanks again!
Mark W.
Yea, we are working through some issues today it sounds like with downloading via http