10.2 and Windows 2019

Anyone here running 10.2.x on windows server 2019? We are standing up new servers for this and just wondering about the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on that OS version. Any feedback would be appreciated.

I have a few 2019 server here running here. Honestly I have not seen any difference from a performance, configuration, or really even UI perspective. I don’t login into the 2019 servers terribly much but if ALL you are doing is hosting Epicor on it go 2019. There is some really neat stuff that’s new in 2019 that wont apply to you. Otherwise it might as well be the same OS.

@rbucek - I was unable to get the 10.2.300 appserver to install on 2019. They failed on the IIS Permissions step of the install. I think you need to be at 10.2.500 before 2019 is supported by Epicor.

Fair point that the vendor specs should be honored.

good to know! I was looking at upgrading to whatever is currently released. thanks!

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