What we have seen initially with the 10.2.700.3 client is that on some computers the client is extremely slow and un-usable. On other computers the client runs as expected. Anyone else experience this?
We had serious performance issues the first couple of days but I think it turned out to be an issue for Epicors cloud servers in our case, which surprised me as it seemed to effect some people and not others at times.
Yesterday the client was working fine on my laptop, now today it went back to not working
Can I ask where you are seeing the slowness? Is it when starting the client itself or opening the forms within or pulling in records? Or everything?
Are you seeing this slowness in each Classic\Shell\Kinetic mode?
I just installed 10.2.700.3 yesterday on Prem and I’ve seen a noticeable slowness when opening the Client and forms within. I’ve been poking around each of the Classic\Shell\Kinetic modes and it seems to me that any forms that we have Customizations on are the ones that take a long (longer time than usual as of E10.1.600) to load. So, for example, we don’t have any existing Customizations on Journal Tracker and it seems to open right away. But Job Tracker - where we have quite a big of Customziations - it takes a noticeably longer time to open. If we went live as it is now, our users would NOT be happy…
We are currently on 10.2.400 going to 10.2.600 soon. The 600 client is much slower than the 400 client in my opinion. The VMs running Epicor are the exact same and even right on the Epicor app VMs it’s slow. Not sure what the cause is.
Turns out it was an issue with an incorrect IP v6 setup on a gateway on the network