
Does any one know if 10.2.600 EWA has been updated to support the kinetic platform.


I believe the long-term goal is that Kinetic, fully in the browser, is going replace EWA completely so I don’t see them putting energy to add Kinetic to EWA. But I may be wrong.

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@Mark_Wonsil is correct. Once Kinetic is fully delivered, there will be no need for EWA.

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See above, however I will say that if you want to use what little of kinetic is available today as a web app you can do so in conjunction with the existing EWA platform.

That is if you go to your kinetic home page on the browser and click on Customer Entry (and you have configured the “old school” EWA) it will launch that page in your EWA and you can continue to use and enjoy the Kinetic Experience in other areas.

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