10.2.600 Active Homepage

After installing 10.2.600.4 the classic comes up and not the Active Homepage. Has anyone experienced this?

Your sysconfig needs to specify active home page in the settings

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Ok, I found Active Home. Says Shell|MainMenu|ActiveHome

Yep put in active home

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So change this:

<LaunchType value="" options="Shell|MainMenu|ActiveHome" />

to this:

<LaunchType value="" options="ActiveHome" />

No change the value from empty to “activehome” (or however it’s spelled)

The options specified the enumeration if possible values and you set the value equal to one of those values


Changed to LaunchType=“ActiveHome” and still no go.

This is the in the sysconfig of the client folder where you’re running it from, should be on the c drive of your machine vs the server

Well, I was in the Local Client on the server and not he server client. Had to uninstall my local client on my local machine and then it worked! Thanks!