10.2.400.11 Save Layouts on Customization Deletes Most Controls

10.2.400.8 was the last working version. Problem started in 10.2.400.9 and I tested others.

Problem Versions:

  • 10.2.400.9
  • 10.2.400.10
  • 10.2.400.11
  • 10.2.400.12
  • 10.2.500.0

We have 10.2.300.11 and I did not experience this behavior…


I’m on 10.2.300.15 and dont have this issue

Do you mean 10.2.400.8?

he did. I updated his post.

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@jdewitt6029 and I upgraded our sandbox environment to 10.2.400.9 and we cannot replicate this by following your recording @hkeric.wci . I am not sure what is going on. We would be glad to show you our process in case we are not doing the same actions as you @hkeric.wci .

Epicor usually patches minors in 300 200 so the recent issues with Save Layouts could creep in there too (maybe it already is in whatever their latest patch is)… but that aside… I and @jgiese.wci saw regular user ids in 200 (non devs) showing up in Customization Validation… !! In 10.2.200 I saw the same thing (byproduct of bugs?) I even saw regular users in the comments box (The one u get to put in changelog notes when u save customization). Very odd. I know Epicor is working on it, I couldnt replicate this one, but odd.

Big Thanks to @Edge @Bart_Elia @Patrick.Ferrington @Rich @JeffLeBert all glancing at it and taking over the ticket number.


@utaylor Just make a new layer on ABCCode Entry. Save. Close/Open Form, lets customize it again 1 more time this time change the “Forms Title” to “ABC Code Entry x”, save, reopen form… Actions -> Save Layouts… reopen form and go into Customization Mode it should be goner. Your code should have shifted to VB. Now if you had a custom button or w/e it should be gone too.

Thats the quckest way to test. But again, this happens as a Dev, so Save Layouts must be clicked while you have Dev Mode enabled.

As for the random Users showing in my Validation / Comments Box. That one I havent figured out yet and if its only in 10.2.200 o well, not version I plan to stay on :slight_smile:

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Ah, okay, that makes sense why I couldn’t replicate it. I’ll try it again just for fun.

Utah Taylor

Save Layouts button aside. I noticed some screen grids behave oddly without the patched dll. Perhaps its not just Save Layouts, this Customization has no Personalization Layer.

10.2.400.10 AS-IS:

10.2.400.10 Patched EpiClientLib:

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Yup. My grids and custom controls had to also be place at the correct location in code.

I was able to replicate the issue. Do you think it would be safe to go live on .9 knowing that this is an issue? We do not save any layouts when we have developer mode on.

In other words, as I understand it, this on;y can be replicated when opening the form in Dev mode… is that true? @hkeric.wci

It’s safe. I’ve helped 3 clients upgrade to .9 - .11.
Just be aware of the problem. Be sure you e tested the version before you roll out to LIVE though.

I agree, its safe, just dont click the button for the time being and if you do notice some grids out of alignment, it is what it is - not a show stopper.

We just upgraded to 10.2.400.10


@Jason_Woods and @hkeric.wci thanks for reassuring us. One last time though, this can only be replicated when launching the form in dev mode and then clicking save layouts, right?

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@hkeric.wci … is that a yes?

That is a “qualified” yes. You will likely see other issues with cosmetic layouts, but not show stoppers.

Right on, thanks guys. .9 it is.

So, what about the idea of putting the code back in the dll file? I saw that a couple people have attempted that. Is this not advised? If it is something we could do to get around it how do we go about it?

Not generally, DLL’s are version specific and need to be deployed to each client which is cumbersome.

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