When setting up for running the client via an RD App, should each user have their own folder for the client files? Each RD user will have their own \users\<username>\AppData\ for temp files for the client. Just wasn’t sure if there’s a down side to “sharing” the client files (files that would be in c:\epicor\epicor10.1client on a workstation with the client locally installed).
Should a different server be used for hosting the client program? As opposed to running the client on the App Server itself.
On my TSERVER, each user has their own unique cache folder but all share the same client folder. This works well.
I need to find the KB article regards Session Manager really - I think that on a shared device it is best run as a service. What seems to happen on my box is that after a reboot, the first user to login is the one that is then running SessionManagerServer.exe. For me, that user won’t ever log out, but not sure what would happen if they did. Running it as a service should overcome this, but is an extra step during upgrades.