Hi All. Recently made the switch over to 10.1.600.
A few things related to jobs and mrp seem a little different.
First - should MRP be spitting out unfirm ENGINEERED jobs? The issue here is that Job Manager no longer allows us to delete those jobs. A pain in the arse - yet workable fix - might be to open the job in Job Entry and UnEngineer it BUT you can’t UnEngineer an unfirm job.
“Engineered” just means “has a valid MOM attached”. I thought MRP did that in E9 too (but I could be wrong, that was some time ago). Yes, you can’t manually delete the jobs, but if you leave them alone then the next time MRP runs in Regenerate mode they will disappear.
To make any changes to an unfirm job you have to firm it up first.
My job scheduler is telling me he could delete the unfirms right from the Job Manager in 10.1.400. He certainly doesn’t want to firm them to delete them since it would eat up valid job numbers.
I did suggest waiting until MRP is run again (so it would clean things up), but he wasn’t very interested in the idea
Okay, I can see his position, assuming you don’t run MRP in Regen mode every night… the unfirm jobs will continue to show up on his schedule. How often do you run a Regen MRP? How often does your scheduler re-run the scheduling engine? Another thing to look at is AFTER he’s gone through and made his changes to the jobs he WANTS to keep, could there be some process to change (or delete) the Req By date on the remaining unfirm jobs so they don’t get scheduled?