We’re receiving reports that we have several $0 invoices recently. We’ve noticed in these situations we have two invoices for a single sales order, and the first invoice is for all lines items we sold the custom. The second invoice is the $0 invoice and it’s for a component in a sales kit that we already invoiced the customer for(in the first invoice). Is it possible we have a setup problem on these sales kits? Any recommendations on how to handle these $0 invoices for components in a sales kit?
If helpful and example is:
Sales order 123 - $11
line 1 release 1: Widget 1- $10
line 2 release 1: Sales Kit x - $1
Invoice 456 for Sales Order 123 - $11
line 1: Widget 1 - $10
line 2: Sales Kit x - $1
Invoice 678 for Sales Order 123 - $0
line 1: Sales Kit component y - $0
@ckrusen they all shipped on the same pack slip, although looking at shipments was quite interesting as it shows 3 lines where there are only 2 lines on the order. I suspect this is a clue / related to the problem. Any ideas?
Sales kits create an OrderLine for each component. For example:
What you enter/see on an Order What is stored in E10
Line PartNum Description Line PartNum Description
==== ========= ===================== ==== ========= =====================
1 FG-101 Stocked part (non-SK) 1 STK-101 Stocked part (non-SK)
2 SK-202 Sales Kit (3 comp) 2 SK-202 Sales Kit (3 comp)
6 FG-200 Stocked non-SK 3 RM-101 Component 1 of SK-202
4 RM-105 Component 2 of SK-202
5 RM-199 Component 2 of SK-202
6 FG-200 Stocked non-SK
So check if line 3 of that order exists. If it does not, then it is probably a component of the SK, and has something misconfigured.
You need to figure out why a separate invoice was created at all, regardless if it was a SK component or not. In other words, why didn’t line 3 of the order get pulled into the first invoice?
@ckrusen if I open that pack slip in customer shipment tracker it only shows 2 lines. This appears to conflict with what I see in sales order tracker, it shows 3 lines… Any suggestions?
Somehow, a component of the SK is creating an invoice on its own.
Like I said, the components of a SK are stored within the OrderLines. That Line 3 you see for Order 120084, must be a component. It’s odd that it only created 1 line - unless your SK has just one component.
Sorry I don’t know a lot about part setup, but below is the screen shot for the sales kit and the component in the sales kit. Really appreciate your help!
The “Allow Component Change” option (from the field help):
If you select this check box, users are able to update kit components when entering a quote or sales order for the kit. Fields on the Kits Detail sheet in Opportunity/Quote Entry and Sales Order Entry are enabled to allow changes to kit components.
But the screen shot of the Order shows the Kit’s part wasn’t changed (assuming 25-5665-0 is the part specified in the SK’s BOM).
We don’t use Backflush components, because we stock in several bins, and need to specify the Bin the part comes from. This is done during Packer entry.
And “Ship Kit Complete” should have prevent the components (even though you have just the one) from going out under different packers. Plus, you Invoice shows them from the same packer.
Any suggestions on how we can determine why an invoice was created? I’m being told there are a lot of these $0 invoices and finance isn’t sure what to do with them.
Maybe during Invoice creation, the AR person deleted the $0.00 line. And then the system thinks, “Hey this item hasn’t been invoiced yet, I’d better create a new invoice for it!”
There is only 1 packslip, there should only be 1 Invoice. How many invoices are there? You can suppress the component at zero dollars if you uncheck Print Components on Customer Documents.
We have 1 packslip, but 2 invoices(see screenshots below). The sales kit didn’t have the Print Components on Customer Documents checked in the Part Entry screen, and the component itself had the checkbox greyed out. Am I looking in the right location?
Hey Eddie, You need to understand how Kits behave. If you pick Parent pricing, the components are at zero. Look to see if you have a price list on the Parent. You might want to start with Engineering Workbench, then with part maintenance, then Sales order entry and last invoicing, the kit components are everywhere, so you can look at a transaction history to see what shipped.