Not guru class but getting there. A couple ideas off top of head.
I have to make some assumptions about your links so I may be way off base.
But some things to consider anyway which might shed some light on the issues
for #1 - Is master table JOBPROD and then linked to relevant tables in a
chain (one to another) or all linked to JOBPROD?
The linking is probably the key to this issue
Try doing all reporting in a group footer and none in detail
#2 - the above may also reduce the unknowns and get data for the
to-stock releases
#3 - if the link is the issue (JOBPROD not master) it may also affect
the filter
A couple times I have found I needed the details section for agregation but
did not want it to print so I suppress it by creating a calculated field
called NoPrint and set it to always be false and in the section control to
print only when NoPrint is true. This helps things to add up for the footer
(my main report line) as each release is enountered but not have to print
anything. It should roll up the totals for the footer.
Hope this is some help or sparks an idea.
-Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
Woodbury, MN
-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Harrington [mailto:
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 2:33 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder
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All you Report Builder Gurus out there - help! Help! Help!
I am trying to build a report sorted by SchedCode that lists all open jobs
(for stock and linked) that gives the following information:
JobNum ReqDueDate SchedCode OpenQty PartNum
ExtPrice ExtCost Name
My problems are:
1. I get a separate line for each link in the Job. (I need one line per job
with a total open quantity.)
2. If the job is built to stock I get a ? in the ExtPrice, ExtCost, & Name
3. I am getting unreleased & non-engineered jobs even if I filter them out.
It seems as if I fix one problem two new ones crop up.
(Open Qty = JobProd.ProdQty - JobProd.ReceivedQty-JobProd.ShippedQty)
Thanks in advance.
Kathleen Harrington
SPS Non-Ferrous
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