Wrong UOM Conversion Factor (In Use)

Someone goofed once upon a time and evidently setup 1 QT = 4 Gallons instead of the other way around. I guess it doesn’t really cause us too much harm because we buy/sell in the same UOM and its OK. We get into trouble when we try to ship to Canada because a QT is not a valid UOM recognized by our shipper… so we need to convert it to L evidently… and to get to L we are going through an incorrect conversion factor. How do I proceed? Ideally, many of these parts shown below are actually containers in a quart sized bottle and really should be EA. There might be a couple bulk items but in that case I would think we’d want to use Gallons. Thoughts? Is there a way to change it at the UOM Class level? Do I need to get all the qty on hand out of stock and anything on POs removed? Now that I’m thinking of it, I’ll check and see if there’s a KB article about this. We can’t be the first to do something like this.

OK. I didn’t mess around on this one. I dove right in.
I created a customization on UOM Class that exposed the HasBeenUsed flag and then modified the extended properties so it was not read only. Then I simply unchecked the box, changed the conversion, and re-checked the box.

I believe this should be OK because we are buying and selling in that UOM for everything. The only time it comes into play is when we need to convert to Liters to ship internationally - which is done selectively on a sales order if/when we take an order for Canada.

Hey Dan,

We are running into almost the same issue. I was able to get the HasBeenUsed checkbox on my customization by adding a new checkbox from toolbox and mapping it to UOMConv.HasBeenUsed. I am unable to change the properties of ReadOnly from True to False. How did you get it to where it wasn’t read-only?

Thanks in advance

I modified the extended properties in the customization. There’s a wizard under the Tools > Wizards > Customization Wizards menu.
Select Modify Extended Properties.

Then select the dataView and field and then change the ReadOnly extended property to be false.

You can also just make a ubaq with a custom update to unset the has been used. Good for classic and good for Kinetic.