Virtualized Epicor Server: Now it is slower

More Questions:

  1. What type of CPU, How Many? More Threads or More Ghz Power?
  2. SAN/NAS?
  3. Hyper-V or VMWare?
  4. Cisco, Dell, HP or ?
  5. SQL Standard or SQL Enterprise?

Run PDT Tool, do you pass the CPU Test and SQL Test?

Some Old Meeting Minutes I had when I worked with Epicor

9:10AM: 1 Issue, 8 Sockets on VMWare - Standard SQL can't see more than 4 sockets. (Sockets vs Cores)
Keep the Sockets under 4. (Issue, needs fix)

9:11AM: Launched vSphere for Sherman to show us what he means by Socket Configuration
- CPU tab (1 socket, 8 cores) - Change it to 4 sockets and 2 Cores.

9:15AM: Looked at the Network Adapter - VMXNet 3 - The CM Servers should be ParaVirtual SCSI (some are not, Issue)

9:22: There is some latency there, it will affect how the client protocol performs on the LAN - However E10 uses NET.TCP w/ good compression.
- Downloaded tcping.exe to run TCP Pings
- tcping.exe -t 445

PLUS: The Pings 40ms are really consistent, which is very helpful

9:32: Pinging SQL Server
  - tcping.exe -t SERVER-SQL1 1433
  Looking for majority of the pings to be about 0.5ms, we are looking good! averaging 0.5ms as expected.

9:35AM: Run 32-bit Performance and Diagnostics Tool
  - We should be receiving 1/2 second of time to retrieve Packet 0.5 -- we are at about 0.8
  - Sherman: "This could indicate that CPU is not running at full speed"
  - We are looking at <300ms yet its 554ms - BIOS Settings are not set to MAX Performance
   - Lets proof this by going to vSphere looking at the Power Schema at the Host Level

  We are currently running on "Balanced". LETS Change it to "High Performance" (Lets do this also to CPS Later!) - It will BOOST our CPU Performance to meet right Metrics!
  You have to change this at UCS BIOS Setting really. (Cisco UCS Manager at

Bios Policies... 
     C1E Disabled It!, 
     C7 and on CPU Performance set "Enterprise" it will give us the Faster peformance
     [ Will Require a Later Reboot ]

  Power Technology, leave that are Performance and Energy Performance leave that at Performance too.
  P-STATE Coordination: Let's to "SOFTWARE" all and we will set it in vSphere to "High Performance"

  Package C State: C0
  Memory RAS Config: maximum-performance

  VT For Directed IO: Enabled
  NUMA: Enabled

- Disabled SpeedStep which underclocks the CPU
   Short for Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology, EIST allows Intel processors to run at a lower speed, which reduces the overall power consumption. This feature is very useful in portable computers that use battery power.

Our Issue was resolved after 1 year of tinkering… Updated Cisco Firmware viola! :slight_smile: