Very high order Volume

Thought multiple queue is more of cloud/azure feature? Or does that works for on premise as well?

MSMQ is built into the .Net Framework. You will have to add it to your workstation/server doing the publishing/subscribing. Azure is not required but it too is very capable of queue processing which is popular within microservice architectures.

EDIT I believe @josecgomez demonstrated some queue processing at Insights a couple of years ago too.


Thanks ever so much mark. Will dig up more on it.

@josecgomez, any hint on that magic pseudo?:grimacing:

I believe we used a Semaphore at Insights a Few years to process fast occurring transactions via a BlockingCollection written using .net on a Windows Service.

Your best bet here is going to be REST, or Service Connect.


Millers or Mpix or whitehouse? This topic is great.

that was me @Mark_Wonsil :angry:

Blimey!! Thanks Jose. I need to brainstorm with our external tech support/internal resource and update this thread.

You may have wrote it but I seem to recall Jose clicking the button! :rofl:

Let me be the first in the queue to apologize…and don’t block it.


Darn, wish I would have come across this thread several years ago.

We developed a sales order processing system to feed Epicor with our LTO’s (Limited Time Offers). We would have anywhere from 500 to 4,000 orders at a go with an average of only a couple line items per. Through this sop, we also fed edi and eCommerce orders. On a slow day it handled 500 orders. On a massive day it would handle 6,000 orders. Never had a problem with performance. Didn’t use MSMQ and kind of had it’s own way of queueing orders so nothing was lost or dropped.