Necro but thanks again Jose! I was having the same problem at @Evan_Purdy in getting a combobox to enable/disable properly on OrderDtl. I had the IF statement working properly just the code to enable/disable the combo wasn’t work.
I haven’t got to the “put it back” part but will try Evan’s EpiDataView.ClearManualRowProp(columnName); suggestion. It’s a switch and it working without this though.
Ohh that reminds me I never got this working… My end goal was to make descriptions on configured parts read-only so they could only be changed by using the configurator. Is there a better way to do this?
What I’m trying to reach is set up some fields as mandatory. I have some ud fields in HDCase and they are bounded to controls on customized HelpDeskForm. I don’t want to check Required check box neither in Extended Properties Maintenance nor UD Column Maintenance. That’s because standard HelpDeskForm (Case Entry) will also be used by some other people and they won’t be able to save as UD fields won’t be even on the form. So my goal is to set up those fields as Mandatory only in one particular customization.