Edit: meant to reply to @OnurCam (and updated example to align with their specific case)
To do a part UOM conversion from one class to another requires making an intermediate class of type OTHER. This intermediate class must have all the UOM conversions that the class you’re going from has.
After running the conversion from the old class to the intermediate class, remove all the UOM conversions that you can. Then add the UOM conversions that the desired class has, to the intermeditate class. Then run the conversion from the intermediate to the final.
Existing UOM Classes and their conversions
- LENGTH (FT is default)
- IN (12 IN = 1 FT)
- YD (1 YD = 3 FT)
- COUNT (EA is default)
- DZ (12 EA = 1 DZ)
- BX20 (20 EA = 1 BX20)
Part ABC-123 was created as class COUNT, with IUM of EA (should have been LENGTH & FT)
An ADJ-CST was created, making a Part Tran with UOMS of EA
You would:
1 Make a UOM Class named “CNT-OTH”, of type OTHER
2. Add the conversions for UOMs: EA, DZ, BX20, FT, IN, and YD to class CNT-OTH. Set FT as the default
3. In Part Maint, make sure the PUM and SUM are the same as the IUM - for part ABC-123
3. Run the conversion for part ABC-123 From COUNT.EA To: CNT-OTH.FT
4. Remove UOM conversions EA, DZ and BX20 from class CNT-OTH
5. Run the conversion for part ABC-123 From CNT-OTH & FT To: LENGTH & FT
As mentioned above, some types of existing part transactions will prevent the process from working. And there’s no way around that.
One thing to look out for, is if any open orders or POs refer to the part and use a SUM or PUM that is different than the IUM, it could error.