UD Form Update Issue

The following code, sets the values to today’s date and current user.

edvUD100.dataView.Table.Rows[0]["CollectionStampDate_c"] = DateTime.Now;
edvUD100.dataView.Table.Rows[0]["CollectionStamp_c"] ((Ice.Core.Session)oTrans.Session).UserName;

You should probably only use that code when doing an Update, otherwise you should simply just EpiBind to CollectionStampDate_c & CollectionStamp_c and nothing more, nothing less.

Even better, the way I would do it is I would set the user and the timestamp in the UD100 BPM so if you have multiple companys and they have their own timezones you could use

Ice.Lib.CompanyTime.Today(); // CurrentCompany Defaulted
Ice.Lib.CompanyTime.Now(); // CurrentCompany Defaulted

In addition it wouldnt matter then if the record is updated via UBAQ, Dashboard or DMT it would trigger your BPM and always keep that audit trail.

PS: On UD tables you can also enable chglog.

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