We have a sales rep combo box that’s associated with a UD field (Customer.SalesRep2_c). I have a BPM that pushes the actual SalesRepCode and SalesRep2_c to the Order Header Salespersons (SalesRepList)
On the Customer Maintenance screen I’ve just been using a SalesRep retriever combo box for the SalesRep2_c field - I’ve been tasked with removing this and actually adding a specific set of Sales Reps in this list.
That is an easy task; I just removed the retriever combo box and added a UltraCombo and filled in my list values… I’m curious though, is there a way I can add a event or some code to this UltraCombo so that when the list loads, it will display the full name (instead of the actual Sales Rep code e.g. “clonge”) and when the user selects the full name it actually translates to the code (so when the Sales Rep is selected, it displays their full name, but in the database it actually reads correctly as the code)
Why are you using an ultracombo? Can’t you just put a filter on the epicombo?
How are you populating the list, can you post a screenshot?
If you are trying to hard code the list directly into the customization, you can still use the epicombo and in the static data list type in what you need…
Just feels like a huge pain when you want to add another rep to the list in the future.
It’s literally just a EpiUltraCombo with the list values included (It only has a few of the Sales Reps that should be in this field (Account Coordinator))
I guess this isn’t the best method of doing this… But the request was for just hard-coded entries in the drop-down.
I actually think I’m going to go one step-forward and not make it so hard-coded, but rather pull in the EpiCombo with the BO Sales Rep, but filter for the Title of “Account Coordinator”.
If you really do want to go the hard code into the control route, still use the EpiCombo but instead of linking to the BO, type the values into the Static Data List property. When you do this, make the first row
Then your values below.
clonge~Chuck Longe
Then in the value property put Value, in the display property put display. That is what you initially asked for.
I think you need to make retrieve on activate false also.