Might have to hit these too, I can’t remember if the last two have any reports rows in them.
Might have to hit these too, I can’t remember if the last two have any reports rows in them.
Smart Client trace in case that helps rev-eng what they were doing before.
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:6919525 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="17" roundTrip="16" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="1" />
<parameter name="userIDent" type="System.String"><![CDATA[jgiese]]></parameter>
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.7042324Z" act="Ice:BO:SysMonitor/SysMonitorSvcContract/GetScheduledTasks" correlationId="29a049e2-8275-4520-b402-7bde7398dc74" dur="6.3595" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:7103607 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="9" roundTrip="8" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="1" />
<parameter name="rptUserID" type="System.String"><![CDATA[jgiese]]></parameter>
<parameter name="rptWorkStationID" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
<parameter name="RetrivalType" type="System.String"><![CDATA[Days]]></parameter>
<parameter name="interval" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[5]]></parameter>
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.7164912Z" act="Ice:BO:SysMonitor/SysMonitorSvcContract/GetReports" correlationId="2aee1eaa-c742-4ad4-bc06-2d7884450c51" dur="5.1681" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:7204778 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="10" roundTrip="9" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="1" />
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTask" type="System.String"><![CDATA[history = false and SubmitUser = 'jgiese']]></parameter>
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTaskLog" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
<parameter name="pageSize" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
<parameter name="absolutePage" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.7269843Z" act="Ice:BO:SysMonitorTasks/SysMonitorTasksSvcContract/GetRows" correlationId="9cdd6e40-c886-4daa-941f-39858d782638" dur="6.0002" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:7780957 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="18" roundTrip="16" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="2" />
<parameter name="whereClauseSysRptLst" type="System.String"><![CDATA[((PrintDriver='TEXT' AND (AutoAction='PRINT' OR AutoAction='PREVIEW')) OR (PrintDriver='CRYSTAL' AND (AutoAction='PRINT' OR AutoAction='AUTOPRT' OR AutoAction='PREVIEW' OR AutoAction='AUTOPRV' OR AutoAction='SSRSPREVIEW')) OR (PrintDriver='EPIFIN' AND (AutoAction='PRINT' OR AutoAction='PREVIEW')) OR (PrintDriver='BARTENDER' AND (AutoAction='AUTOPRT' OR AutoAction='AUTOPRV')) OR (PrintDriver='EDI' AND AutoAction<>'') OR (PrintDriver='SSRS' AND (AutoAction='PREVIEW' OR AutoAction='PRINT') AND LastAction='SSRSREADY')) AND (WorkStationID='IT3 2' OR WorkStationID='web_jgiese')]]></parameter>
<parameter name="getBallonInfo" type="System.Boolean"><![CDATA[True]]></parameter>
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTask" type="System.String"><![CDATA[history = true and startedon > 08/17/2023 and SubmitUser = 'jgiese']]></parameter>
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTaskLog" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
<parameter name="sysMonitorData" type="System.Data.DataSet">
<NewDataSet />
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.7887733Z" act="Ice:BO:ReportMonitor/ReportMonitorSvcContract/GetRowsKeepIdleTimeWithBallonInfo" correlationId="35622288-0fe0-4102-a37d-c4b34dd6d0cf" dur="8.7818" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:7401200 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="102" roundTrip="100" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="2" />
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTask" type="System.String"><![CDATA[history = true and startedon > '2023-08-13 15:22:41' and SubmitUser = 'jgiese' by startedon desc]]></parameter>
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTaskLog" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
<parameter name="pageSize" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
<parameter name="absolutePage" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.7459725Z" act="Ice:BO:SysMonitorTasks/SysMonitorTasksSvcContract/GetRows" correlationId="a473c136-7d33-4544-9699-b23f34d8f49b" dur="9.4313" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
<localTime>8/18/2023 10:22:41:8682308 AM</localTime>
<executionTime total="17" roundTrip="10" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="7" />
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTask" type="System.String"><![CDATA[history = true and startedon > 08/17/2023 and SubmitUser = 'jgiese']]></parameter>
<parameter name="whereClauseSysTaskLog" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
<parameter name="pageSize" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
<parameter name="absolutePage" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[1]]></parameter>
<Op Utc="2023-08-18T15:22:41.8811829Z" act="Ice:BO:SysMonitorTasks/SysMonitorTasksSvcContract/GetBallonRowsKeepIdleTime" correlationId="4f6be1ab-6e33-4270-980d-dafffc791199" dur="6.0276" cli="" usr="jgiese" machine="KINETICDEV" pid="17136" tid="8" />
History we’ll have to hit this at least:
Reports will have to hit the getrows and getreports at least.
were you able to reproduce on web client?
@jgiese.wci , can you try this on that GetRows?
var keepReports = result.SysRptLst.Where(x => x.UserID.ToLower() == Session.UserID.ToLower()).ToList();
Seemed to do the trick in a quick pinch. I can only see the one BOL I just printed. Looks like the Classic UI is doing grid filtering in the UI not at the BO level too.
Strange they are using a different BO I wonder why. ReportMonitor vs SysMonitor
In 2022 they are using GetReports on SysMonitor in Kinetic
In 2023 looks like GetRows on ReportMonitor in Kinetic
They be changing things lol.
I mean it could certainly be expanded on to get back the original functionality, like show admins
stuff and whatnot, but that sounds like a lot of work for a temporary fix.
What endpoint is being called for History in Kinetic in 2023?
seems to be this
Also a Set Arg widget for the where clause set to this works too
$"LOWER(UserID) = '{Session.UserID.ToLower()}' " + whereClauseSysRptLst
I have more elegant versions that detect keywords and inject the where addition in the right spot, but this at least keeps the data call lower from the get go. Could add a widget condition where if the users isn’t in group X then do this special where clause. Quick fix still gives admins ability to view all.
Yes I was wondering if the where clauses just weren’t being set.
This is the quick fix version for SysMonitorTasksSvc/GetBallonRowsKeepIdleTime:
var keepHistory = result.SysTask.Where(x => x.SubmitUser.ToLower() == Session.UserID.ToLower()).ToList();
Wouldn’t that need an AND
$"LOWER(UserID) = '{Session.UserID.ToLower()}' AND " + whereClauseSysRptLst
No because there was no actual where just a ‘BY SysTaskNum’
OK, so the where clauses were not set properly to begin with.
So @jgiese.wci and @klincecum did y’all solve this?? @josecgomez I think you just went live on 2023.1.9 as well somewhere too yeah? Did you do something to solve this? Did epicor support give any kind of hot fix or did you flex your customization skills to overcome it?
This has been going on for at least a year. I just ignored it. Private companies all the way!!!
JK, I would still prefer to be at a public company.
Wait, it is fixed in my version.
You running kinetic system monitor or classic?
Web UI