(Bruce Ordway)
January 26, 2022, 2:31pm
The current search tool for this site isn’t always the greatest but… with a little digging I almost always find A LOT of existing topics. Here are just a few of the many links on scheduling that I’ve found helpful.
Hello all. I’m new to the forum and to the scheduling side of e10. We implemented e10 about 100 days ago. We are trying to figure scheduling out but are struggling with certain elements. So far, we have been able to get most of the noise out of the system in terms of suggestions by setting days of demand, min/max, etc. We are firming jobs based on suggestions which is keeping us in front of demand but then for scheduling we’re printing the travelers and using our old physical scheduling boar…
Hello Epicor Gurus,
I am trying to build a dashboard that shows the data from the shop load report. I am wondering if any of you have successfully built such a dashboard? I am using the jobhead, joboper, jobopdetails table but the result is not same as the shop load report. Am i missing anything?
I’m trying to schedule finitely. Epicor is overscheduling resources from the very beginning of the schedule. I would understand overscheduling past my finite date or if a job was scheduled to end after the finite date, but these jobs that are being overscheduled are not.
This is from the resource scheduling board for resource M290.
This is the resource group:
This is the resource itself:
Site Maintenance:
And these are the settings when I run Global…
Would your site pony up for Epicor courses on scheduling?
Since (I think) it is the most difficult area of Epicor to master… doesn’t lend itself so easily to the autodidactics among us.
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