Static vs. Dynamic vs. Lookup Table

I use a generic UD method that can handle a range of filtering requirements. This is using PcConData table where you have to add fields but has the advantage of having 9 keys vs the 5 keys from standard UD tables. TypeCode handles the ability to store different types of data in the same table. TypeCode = “ENGINE” or TYPECODE = “DEPTHFINDER”. The display member and value member are dynamic too.

// Enter valid C# code and do not forget this method returns a string value.
String valueMember = String.Empty;
StringBuilder MyList = new StringBuilder ();
Boolean ok = false;

var query = (from r in Db.PcConData where r.Company == Context.CompanyID
	&& 	r.PartNum == PartNum
	&&	r.TypeCode == TypeCode select r);

var filterValues = new List<string> { String.Empty, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6 };

for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
// start with 1 to reduce confusion or add to confusion.
	if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (filterValues[i]))
		switch (i)
			case 1:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key1 == Key1);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key1);
			// assume sort by key value
			case 2:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key2 == Key2);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key2);
			case 3:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key3 == Key3);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key3);
			case 4:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key4 == Key4);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key4);
			case 5:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key5 == Key5);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key5);
			case 6:
				query = query.Where (u => u.Key6 == Key6);
				query = query.OrderByDescending (r => r.Key6);

switch (SortOrder)
	case "N":
	case "N1":
		query = query.OrderBy (r => r.SortOrder_c);  // these allow me to do a custom sort of items.
	case "N2":
		query = query.OrderBy (r => r.SortOrder02_c);
	case "N3":
		query = query.OrderBy (r => r.SortOrder03_c);

valueMember = ValueMember;
ok = true;

if (ok)
	foreach (var line in query)
		String test = line[valueMember] + "`" + line[DisplayMember] + "~";
		if (!MyList.ToString ().Contains (test))  // there is a clearer way to do this but haven't circled back to do it.
			MyList.Append (test);

return ((MyList.ToString ()).Length > 0) ? (MyList.ToString ()).Substring (0, (MyList.ToString ()).Length - 1) : ("N`None");

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