Standardize your Version numbers Epicor for the Love of GOD

Bless Epicor and the hard-working women and men that create an ERP system supporting businesses all over the US, businesses that probably bring in billions of dollars as a whole. It’s no easy task to create an ERP system much less re-work it (Vantage, Epicor 9, Epicor 10, Kinetic), but @KevinK is working on it (Ancient posts "new" since my last visit? - #16 by KevinK)

@KevinK this is what you get to look forward to- feedback of all sorts.

I know a lot of us are being critical with utmost respect for Epicor, but there are always those that bash and yell without any regard to just how impressive this ERP system is. All I know is, every version has improved year over year. Remember to comment the good things every once in a while, :wink: and always be critical- it’s what makes the system better.