[SOLVED]Open Qty Adjustment via button click on Dashboard

Hello all,

I have created a dashboard & added a button ‘Adjust Quantity’. This button needs to open up the Quantity Adjustment Menu. I’ve added the Custom Control & Control Event for this button but I’m having issue with the Code.

LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
lfo.IsModal = false;
lfo.SuppressFormSearch = true;
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm (oTrans “Erp.UI.InventoryQtyAdjEntry”, lfo);

I get the following error: Error: CS0103 - line 62 (142) - The name ‘oTrans’ does not exist in the current context

Am I missing something? This is code that I got from the “Epicor ICE 3.0 Customization User Guide” btw

Thank You

Is this a runtime dashboard or an assembly (deployed dashboard)?

It is a Dashboard-Runtime

Ok well, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I had to create the dashboard without customizing the tracker view. Add it as a dashboard assembly. Then open the dashboard in the menu where I placed it. Then apply the customization

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Thank you so much for putting the solution here. I was trying to do a dashboard refresh and was running into the ‘The name ‘oTrans’ does not exist in the current context’ error.

On a related note - I just shared some code that does QtyAdjustments via code on another thread.

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