Ship Via - instructions for shipping

Just wondering how shipping can see that the sales order contains different ship via.

Everything on the customer shipment entry points to the sales order header but if we create a sales order and one release to go via truck and the via air I can’t seem to get the info to ship. Ship Via is a column you can display but is always empty:

Customer Shipment Entry might balk at Releases that don’t match the Ship Via on the ShipHead.

Thanks Calvin. So if looking to use different ship via’s then different Sales Orders?

No, just different Packers. I’m going to try and verify this…

edit: I might have been thuinking about different ShipTo’s on an order …

Yeah … I was wrong on that. Shipment Entry doesn’t check the Ship Via on the Order Release.

I think that what is stated on the order release is more like a “suggestion”.

You could make a BPM to prevent the addition of a release that has a different ShipVia than what is specified on the Order. Maybe best to just warn the shipping personnel, instead of totally locking them out.


One thing I noticed, is if I create a new Packer, and enter the Order number, it defaults to the Order Header’s Ship Via. If I add a release with a different ShipVia, the ShipHead ShipVia remains unchanged.

If I delete the Ship Via on the ShipHead, before adding the release, it sets the ShipHead’s ShipVia to that of the release

Thanks Calvin.

We’re fortunate in that we have AMM so will use Fulfillment workbench to guide pack creation. Just seems odd the ship via “disappears” when you move to Customer Shipment Entry screens