Setting up the BL tester

So I happen to be setting up the BL tester on a new server. It’s one of those things that you only do once in a Blue Moon so it’s hard to remember what the heck you have to do to get it set up. So, I will document the process here as I do this one, so 1. I can come back to it later if I need to, and 2. so others can see how to set up this super useful tool.

First, this tool is on the server, that’s where it lives and where you run it from when you need to use it. Correction, you can use this from your computer, you just set the connection string to the server that you are connecting to. Just copy all of the files in the BL tester folder to your local computer It’s located in the utilities section on the drive you have set up with epicor. This is ours. You run it by clicking on the lightning bolt application.

The first time you run this, this window pops up. And will bring you to a setup screen.

That will bring up this screen. You will need to set your Application Server URI, set you log-in info (Mine works as shown, I used my user and password, you’re login in requirements may be different)

To find the URl you look in the administration console for the specific database you want to test it. I would highly recommend to NOT use your production database for this. Testing calls through this tool WILL affect the database if you make a call that is intended to change something.

Then you click update and you are in.

To use the tool, click file open


Then look for the BO that you want to check out.

Now you have a list of the methods that reside in the business object so you can see what you can call.

And you can see the parameters that are required, and even test some of the more simple calls.


The help file also contains the setup / configuration plus a case study example of using it.


Good stuff! Thanks @Banderson

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THANK YOU! We put up a ticket on our SCRUM sprint to look into this tool after you mentioned it. @jdewitt6029


Hi, if anyone has trouble connecting from a local PC, enter the IP address of your server instead of Ap Server URI


replace this

with this



And if your running multiple versions take heed you can get yourself into a bit of bother if your not paying attention. As you know methods can change over time. Don’t ask me how I know. :slight_smile:

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Yes, so misleading at times.

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Has anyone tried this tool for epicor cloud hosted situation ?
Does the “use the URI approach” work ?

I have used the BLTester in 10.2.500 in Epicor SaaS with no issues. Don’t recall using the Use The URI Approach offhand. Honestly, when using cloud, I prefer to use cloud tools like OpenAPI/Swagger/PowerShell/etc. with REST calls, just like the Kinetic UI does.

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There is a limited help file in the BL tester, so if you open up that, you might be able to figure it out.