Set Last Printed Date on Job When Traveler is manually printed

I’ve tried to turn on method tracing to see what method is called so that I could possibly write a method directive on when a traveler is printed manually outside of using the mass print functionality.

And this is the closest thing I can find in the trace log

but I’m having a hard time locating anything similar to it in Method Directives.

Any insights?

I also thought maybe it could be set via the SSRS Breaking/Routing but there isn’t a widget there to set field values of a record…

I took a look at the code and as far as I see JobHead.TravelerLastPrinted should be updated always. I don’t see any difference between mass print and manual print.

Can you enable the output of the client/server datasets on the UI Trace options to see what parameters are being sent to the process?, although I don’t see how TravelerLastPrinted would not be udpated.

Erp.Proxy.Rpt.JobTravImpl SubmitToAgent net.tcp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEpicorERP/ System.Void 8/23/2021 15:31:53:5870525 PM 1 0 false 113792 false false false false true false false false false 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SSRSClientPrint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 SystemTaskAgent 0 false Color=False,Landscape=True,PaperSize=[Kind="Letter" PaperName="Letter" Height=1100 Width=850],PaperSource=[SourceName="Auto" Kind="AutomaticFeed"],PrinterResolution=[Kind="Custom" X=600 Y=600] PrinterName="\\us-ks1-psv-0001\US-KS1-PRT-8065",Copies=1,Collate=False,Duplex=Simplex,FromPage=1,ToPage=0 1001 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 m/d/yyyy ,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDF USD en-US PDF false false false A JobTrav 1001 MHS-Traveler SSRS reports/CustomReports/JobTraveler/Traveler JobTrav 0 Database false 137134742 1f96f069-56ec-45d1-9b4d-301cd7d92f0f false false false false 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 false 113792 false false false false true false false false false 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SSRSClientPrint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 SystemTaskAgent 0 false Color=False,Landscape=True,PaperSize=[Kind="Letter" PaperName="Letter" Height=1100 Width=850],PaperSource=[SourceName="Auto" Kind="AutomaticFeed"],PrinterResolution=[Kind="Custom" X=600 Y=600] PrinterName="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",Copies=1,Collate=False,Duplex=Simplex,FromPage=1,ToPage=0 1001 OLAIT7156 1 0 m/d/yyyy ,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDF USD en-US PDF false false false A JobTrav 1001 MHS-Traveler SSRS reports/CustomReports/JobTraveler/Traveler JobTrav 0 Database false 137134742 1f96f069-56ec-45d1-9b4d-301cd7d92f0f false false false false 0

That’s my experience with it. If it’s ever been printed it will show a date. It’s actually caused us issues in our process because we want to auto print travelers as a mass print that haven’t been printed when the job QueStartDate is within 2 weeks. When someone would print manually these would get missed. If it’s not filling maybe it’s a customization or bug in your specific patch?

Can you paste it in XML format?, hard to read as it is.

Also, could it be maybe some BPM that is clearing this value? Do you have any BPMs in the JobHead table?

Sorry for the delay in response. We just upgraded PROD to 10.2.700.22 from 10.2.300.13.

But i was able to finally figure out what was going on for this. It seems as though we had a user preview and then print from the preview. This doesn’t update the last print field.