We currently have service connect creating orders directly using Erp.Bo.SalesOrder.svc.
Is it possible to use service connect to copy data into a UD table rather than creating the order directly. What business object would this use ?
The Ice.Contracts.BO.UDxxx of your choice
Same message when i use Ice.Contracts.BO.UD33
I have not used REST in Service Connect
I’m trying it as a .NET reference instead. Now to see what’s happening as I place the file in the directory, it magically dissapears but the UD table isn’t populated and there isn’t anything in document tracking despite setting it as required on the message type. Things are never straightforward.
The bare minimum to populate a UD table would be convert incoming data to GetaNewUDxxxx, convert the results to UDxxImplUpdate setting the UD fields to your data and the calling the update
Hi Emma,
The reference name for REST should not contain periods which you used in the reference name.
Also, unlike .NET or WCF references, REST reference for Epicor/Kinetic may include multiple services (you select which ones to import later in the wizard), so, unless you intend to import just one service, may be better to give that reference a more generic name, like EpicorERPTest, or similar.
Additionally, if you only plan to call service methods, unselect Import OData checkbox on that page.
Thanks, yes - realised I already had the sales order service already so just needed to Re-import on EpicorERPTest to add the UD table to it.
Got this working, but it only adds 1 line to the UD table and not all rows on the spreadsheet. No errors. Anything I can check ?
I would set Document Tracking on SC workflow to Required, let the message go through, and see the activity trace for the executed workflow.
Check what XML message looks like right before the method call, and what comes out of the method.
Also, universal stuff: set RowMod to A, make sure to use UpdateExt method (note: when switching from Update to UpdateExt you will need to revise the preceding XSLT conversion).
If the message being sent into the service method only contains one row, check that in the XSLT transformation you have the for-each link on the recurring collection element containing the values.
Where would the for-each link be ? The message coming out of the method holds all the rows in wfi element.
Hi Emma,
I apologize for the delay with answering your question.
Where you able to create the for-each link in XML Mapper?
If not – could you give a screenshot of the links you currently have, and I will describe what I thought could have possibly been missing.