Service Connect - CConversion: ProcessConversion error


We are creating journal entries in Epicor by using SC and CSv file has list of journals when we are placing the CSV file in the particular folder then file will be automatically disappears from the folder and it has been creating a Journal entries but now i am getting an error when i place a csv file. Any thoughts on below error.

Are you using some function in this conversion?, may be you have some broken link or you are using incorrectly some function

Thanks for your help. We are not using function.However, let check it again.

Can you open and post a pic of the “NewTransformation_3”?

yes sure. here you go

Change the Format in the DateTime function to “yyyy/MM/dd”

. I just changed now. Do i need to change format in my csv file as well. I changed in my csv file as well but getting some error

Input date / time string should match the format string exactly.

You need to consider the capitals letter for identify the Month = MM and lower case for day = dd and the years = yyyy

I’m a bit confused here. It’s been working ok, then it just stopped? Or are you developing it and it was working and it just stopped?

If it’s been working then I’d be interested to see if there is anything specifically wrong with the input file itself or regional setting on the server (if for some reason that has changed in relation to the executing account of the workflow, I ran into a DMT issue exactly related to that the other week).

You might get some more detail on the error is you used the ESC event logs also of the documents as well.

Hi Hally,

Sorry for the confusion. Yes, It was working fine but this month it stopped working. I cannot use DMT as well because every employee has one journal entry which has different GL codes like Basic Pay,HRA,Deductions, allowances with different dynamic segment and more than 1000 employees.

Input file is generated from the legacy payroll system but this time it has not generated. Therefore, we manually retrieve the file and trying put into the folder.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> COM 0x80004005 Error during launching plugin CPlugInExecutorNoTran::ProcessXML PlugInExecutorNoTran.cpp 280 COM 0x80004005 LaunchPlugin failed CPlugInExecutorNoTran::LaunchPlugin PlugInExecutorNoTran.cpp 456 COM 0x80004005 ProcessXml failed plugins::CPlugInInfoWF::ProcessXml PlugInInfo.cpp 327 COM 0x80004005 ExecuteObjectInternal failed CScaWorkflowEngine::ExecuteObjectInternal ScaWorkflowEngine.cpp 414 COM 0x80004005 GoThroughScalaProcessorDOM failed CScaWorkflowEngine::GoThroughScalaProcessorDOM ScaWorkflowEngine.cpp 427 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::ProcessDOM error CScaProcessor::ProcessDOM ScaProcessor.cpp 51 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::RunProc error CScaProcessor::RunProc ScaProcessor.cpp 338 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::Process error CScaProcessor::Process ScaProcessor.cpp 671 COM 0x80004005 CConversion::Process error CConversion::Process Conversion.cpp 62 COM 0x80004005 CConversion::ProcessConversion error CConversion::ProcessConversion Conversion.cpp 235 COM 0x80004005 ScaPXPathExtension.ScaXPathFunctions.4 Input string format mismatch

Error occurred during a call to property or method 'dateTimeFromString'.


It sounds like you have some invalid data, like an additional comma in text that might be messing with the data. If you have a test system them I’d be trying last months file and comparing with this months.

I agree, the CSV data in the ProcessDate columns has been changed, and you need to check that all data have the correct format

Thank you. I have correct the date format now out of 6 lines in the journal 5 lines have been process but the last line of the journal is not processed.

When I checked the error message it shows below any thoughts below error.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> COM 0x80004005 Error during launching plugin CPlugInExecutorNoTran::ProcessXML PlugInExecutorNoTran.cpp 280 COM 0x80004005 LaunchPlugin failed CPlugInExecutorNoTran::LaunchPlugin PlugInExecutorNoTran.cpp 456 COM 0x80004005 ProcessXml failed plugins::CPlugInInfoWF::ProcessXml PlugInInfo.cpp 327 COM 0x80004005 ExecuteObjectInternal failed CScaWorkflowEngine::ExecuteObjectInternal ScaWorkflowEngine.cpp 414 COM 0x80004005 GoThroughScalaProcessorDOM failed CScaWorkflowEngine::GoThroughScalaProcessorDOM ScaWorkflowEngine.cpp 427 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::ProcessDOM error CScaProcessor::ProcessDOM ScaProcessor.cpp 51 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::RunProc error CScaProcessor::RunProc ScaProcessor.cpp 338 COM 0x80004005 CScaProcessor::Process error CScaProcessor::Process ScaProcessor.cpp 671 COM 0x80004005 CPoster::Process error CPoster::Process Poster.cpp 111 COM 0x80004005 CPoster::ProcessAllChannel error CPoster::ProcessAllChannel Poster.cpp 165 COM 0x80004005 CPoster::SendMessagesToChannel error CPoster::SendMessagesToChannel Poster.cpp 330 COM 0x80004005 **No channels assigned to the poster** **CPoster::SendMessagesToChannel** **Poster.cpp** 236

Inside the “Poster” step of the workflow check the properties and verify if you have assigned a channel to this poster, or if the channel is activated

Thank you for your great help. All detail lines have been processed but 1 group 1 header has created under one header details lines have been created instead of two separate journal entry in one group:-

Example Below

Let say two Employees (Peter and Mike)

Journal Header Number 1 – Peter- Legal Number #10

Account1 XXX – Detail Line 1

Account2 XXX – Detail Line 2

Account3 XXX – Detail Line 3

Journal Header Number 2 – Mike – Legal Number #11

Account1 XXX – Detail Line 1

Account2 XXX – Detail Line 2

Account3 XXX – Detail Line 3

Journal Line – Peter – Legal Number #10

Account1 XXX – Detail Line 1

Account2 XXX – Detail Line 2

Account3 XXX – Detail Line 3

Account1 XXX – Detail Line 4

Account2 XXX – Detail Line 5

Account3 XXX – Detail Line 6

It has not created as separate journal but it created as one journal entry. It suppose to create two separate journal header whereas now in one journal header whole 6 accounts updated. Any thoughts?

The workflow is not developed properly for create different header using the same input CSV file, instead you need to use just one CSV file for each journal

Thank you, It was creating different header using the input CSV. This is time is not creating with different header.

well, in your CSV file you must have a column that Service Connect is using to drop and to know if the row is a new Journal. Can you post a pic of your CSV file.

CSV.csv (7.8 KB) I have attached herewith the csv format.