Schedule BPM Help - Reference Post Inside

I recently scheduled a BPM using a Updateable BAQ and “exporting” it. I found this solution on another thread from people much smarter than I. The reason I gravitated towards this solution was to avoid a BPM being fired unnecessarily every time a task is run.

  1. Create BAQ
  2. Add tables and configure the results to show the records you want modified.
  3. Click Updatable Checkbox on General tab.
  4. Go to Update > Update Processing. Check the Advanced BPM Update only and click the BPM Directives Configuration Button
  5. Click the GetList Method, then create your BPM. This will get fired when you schedule your BAQ to be exported
  6. Test your BAQ with hitting the GetList button inside of the BAQ screen
    7.Your BAQ/BPM is working as expected, lets schedule it. Go to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Agent. New > New Schedule.
  7. Once you have defined how often you would like this to run, lets queue it up. System Management > Business Activity Queries > BAQ Export Process
  8. Enter in your BAQID. Select Output Format CSV. Change the schedule dropdown to the one you create. CHECK RECURRING so it fires more than once on this schedule/frequency
  9. Check your AppServer for the file export to verify the records that were affected.