Same Code different behavior Client vs Server 10.1.500.8

I’ve been struggling with this exact same issue to try and automate the closing of maintenance jobs upon the completion of the final op. Except I couldn’t even get a direct call to JobEntry.UpdateExt to work. So I tried my go-to (read: “overly abused”) method of routing things through DynamicQuery and it worked.

The UBAQ this calls also updates via JobEntry.UpdateExt. So I remain at a loss as to how/why this works when all other, better methods failed. However, I’m also at the point were I don’t care either. At the very least, I think I take the :crown: for “ugliest solution”.

using (var svc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Ice.Contracts.DynamicQuerySvcContract>(Db))
    var paramRow = new ExecutionParameterRow();
    paramRow.ParameterID = "JobNum";
    paramRow.ParameterValue = ttLaborDtl[0].JobNum;
    paramRow.ValueType = "nvarchar";

    baqds = svc.ExecuteByID("mnt", qeds);

    if (baqds.Tables["Results"].Rows.Count > 0)
        var resultRow = baqds.Tables["Results"].Rows[0];
        resultRow["JobHead_JobClosed"] = true;
        resultRow["JobHead_ResTopicID1"] = "PASS";
        resultRow["JobHead_CommentText"] =
          "Automatically closed by " + callContextClient.CurrentUserId;
        svc.UpdateByID("mnt", baqds);
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