(Michael Newman)
March 5, 2020, 4:32pm
Yes, I agree with you.
However in this case the information resides for one day and then purged.
SysRptLst is the last of the 3 tables to be populated it seems.
So I am able to capture the needed information and Update the OrderHed.
I will post the completed project below.
Thank you again, I couldn’t have got there without your help!
(Michael Newman)
March 5, 2020, 4:43pm
Here is my Completed Project.
and the Custom Code to Update the OrderHed
Ice.Tables.SysTaskParam TaskParam;
Erp.Tables.OrderHed OrderHed;
foreach (var ttSysRptLst_iterator in (from ttSysRptLst_Row in ttSysRptLst
where (string.Equals(ttSysRptLst_Row.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(ttSysRptLst_Row.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
select ttSysRptLst_Row))
var ttSysRptLstRow = ttSysRptLst_iterator;
TaskLog = (from SysTaskLog_Row in Db.SysTaskLog
where (SysTaskLog_Row.SysTaskNum == ttSysRptLstRow.SysTaskNum )
&& SysTaskLog_Row.MsgText.Contains("Email")
select SysTaskLog_Row).FirstOrDefault();
TaskParam = (from SysTaskParam_Row in Db.SysTaskParam
where (SysTaskParam_Row.SysTaskNum == ttSysRptLstRow.SysTaskNum )
&& SysTaskParam_Row.ParamName == "OrderNum"
select SysTaskParam_Row).FirstOrDefault();
OrderHed = (from OrderHed_Row in Db.OrderHed
where string.Compare(OrderHed_Row.Company, ttSysRptLstRow.Company, true) == 0
&& OrderHed_Row.OrderNum == TaskParam.ParamInteger
select OrderHed_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (ttSysRptLstRow != null && TaskLog.IsError == false);
OrderHed.SO_AckLog_c = OrderHed.SO_AckLog_c + "SO_AckDate: " + ttSysRptLstRow.CreatedOn + " -User: " + ttSysRptLstRow.UserID + " -EmailTo:" +ttSysRptLstRow.EMailTo + " -EmailCC: " + ttSysRptLstRow.EMailCC + " -EmailBCC: " + ttSysRptLstRow.EMailBCC+ " -Format: " + ttSysRptLstRow.SSRSRenderFormat + Environment.NewLine ;
I emailed the SalesOrderAcknowledgement twice to see the results