REST Service Error

Running 10.1.500.38

Trying to set up REST. IF I use https://my server name, no error. If I use https://my server name/ERP101500, gives me an HTTP Error 500.0

Well, I got it to work till servername/ERP101500, but when I add the /api gives me the error, HTTP Error 404.0 Not Found

look here 404 Error when testing REST Implementation - #5 by DCurran - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum

Thanks! So it is the Web.config that is messed up. To be honest, I am not sure what to look for to fix this.

Got it fixed! I rebuilt the appserver and everything is working now.

@Olga @Mark_Wonsil @josecgomez First, Thank you all for the help you have provided. It is very much appreciated and needed.

I have it where I can see the help and all that good stuff. However, when I put in https://My Server /erp101500/2017R/api/v1/Erp.Bo.SalesOrderSvc/SalesOrders?$expand=OrderDtls/OrderRels , it gives me an 500 Internal Server Error. I have also did different variations and get the same issue.

Use swagger to figure out what the problem is, swagger will let you run the same BO and show you the problems

@josecgomez So, umm, I need to use a REAL broswer. :joy::joy::joy: IE is not meant for this type of fun!

You lose all the cool points for even having IE as an option in your PC :smile:
and if you mention edge (@Chris_Conn I’m looking at you) you’ll get disowned lol


Dont hate on IE’s amazing ability to run any website. :stuck_out_tongue:

I only have to use it normally to log into one website that my company requires. Just happend to have it up and used it. :joy: But yeah, I much prefer Chrome.