I want to add the customer table to a custom rdd based on an existing embedded report definition. Is there any simple way to mass populate the field exclusions for that table with the fields that i don’t need?
Select the table and then use the actions menu:
Lol you will be on one of those new versions of E10. Below are the options I get - I have all the check boxes ticked for my account in test - we are on
So barring an upgrade of Epicor is there any other way to do this?
I’m on 10.1.400. But I thought those action menu items existed even back in V8
Did you make sure to select a column first, AND that you’re trying to change a saved copy? You can’t change the built-in RDD. Save it to the original name but with _001` appended to it. Then open the saved one and try again.
I just opened up a system RDD and still see the full Actions menu (those things you can’t do to a system RDD are just disabled).
So maybe your user settings. As I’d think that even Export… and Import… are part of 10.0
What does the help system say?
Here’s my help (10.1.400)
See above. To export an RDD in you need to create a solution with the rdd contained and export the solution. You can then import into another instance.
RDD is a duplicate of an embedded one and I have brought some other tables into it - they had a limited number of fields so I had no issue doing this manually.
Try searching the help for “Exclude Selected Columns.”
In 10.1.400, I can:
- Use Right click on the grid to Copy All,
- Paste into excel,
- Change the checkbox column,
- Copy the excel cells
- Use Paste Update to overwrite the Exclude columns.
Calvin, sorry for the delay in replying. What i am trying to do is add the customer table and then exclude the fields that I do not need as the report falls over when executing because there are too many columns >1048 - known limitation of rdd’s.
When I add the table there are no fields in the exclusion list - this be a limitation of the version that we are on - I need to manually add each exclusion - I have tried copying the filed list from the data dictionary doing a paste insert but this seems to fall over if you insert more than one field.
I think I am constrained be the version of E10 we are on. Thanks for your help and suggestions though.
I’ve noticed this problem in a few different versions of Epicor. Any time I add a table, I save and then refresh the RDD maintenance screen. This populates the field list for me.
Tyler I have tried this and no change - I even logged in and out and still no change.
I assume you mean “data definition” and not “data dictionary”.
As for copy and paste update, does the copy work?
When copying the data from excel(after you’ve populated the exclusion row with TRUE), only select the data rows, and not the header. Select all three columns when copying.
When pasting, make sure the first record is selected.
And worse case, just do it manually by selecting the checkbox field, press spacebar to toggle it, then the down arrow to go to the next row. Rinse and repeat.