Report Builder question

Not sure if I completely understand the question but I'll take a stab at it. The Part.StdMaterialCost field will reflect the current standard at a given point in time (right?). So it carries no history of what it was earlier in time. I have a report I must do for our auditors on raw material costs that has the similar requirement of needing to compare the cost at the end of the year with the cost at the beginning. Two ways I have approached this are:

1. Restore database from last year's end of year backup to our "Test" database, extract Part Num and Cost to Access DB table, extract current cost to another table, link and report change (for some sort of LIFO factor our auditors user). Could be difficult if you have upgraded during the year and restored DB needs to be converted (schema changes, etc...).

2. A Report Builder report that exams all the part's purchases and takes earliest one in the year and compares to current raw material cost. Not 100% accurate if first purchase in year was, say, in June. But good enough to compare cost change over the year.

Since you are looking for material costs going into a Part you might be able to reconstruct from all the jobs for the part in each year. Perhaps from the JobMtl table? You could then add up 2003 material costs (based on Jobs Closed in 2003?) and divide by Qty and compare to the current standard cost in the Part table. Might this work? Like #2 above not 100% but probably pretty close.

-Todd C.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Drumeller [mailto:cliff@...]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:04 AM
To: VantageGroup (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder question

Hey All
Is it possible to write a report that would compare last years
Part.StdMaterialCost with the current Part.StdMaterialCost. I'm drawing a
blank. If you give a date range for 2003 to pick up last years cost how do
you get the current cost ?? I'm sure someone has figured it out.

Cliff Drumeller
IT Manager
Mass Precision Sheetmetal
408 954 0200 x 217

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At first I thought it would not be possible, but as I thought it about it
more you might be able to get to it from part-tran and filter or select on
adj-cst transaction.

Frank Zeigafuse

Innovative Office Products

General Manager

Direct Phone: 610-559-6369

Email: fzeigafuse@...

-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Drumeller [mailto:cliff@...]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:04 AM
To: VantageGroup (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder question

Hey All
Is it possible to write a report that would compare last years
Part.StdMaterialCost with the current Part.StdMaterialCost. I'm drawing a
blank. If you give a date range for 2003 to pick up last years cost how do
you get the current cost ?? I'm sure someone has figured it out.

Cliff Drumeller
IT Manager
Mass Precision Sheetmetal
408 954 0200 x 217

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StdMaterialCost is in the Part Table and contains the current value.
MtlUnitCost is in the PartTran Table and contains the material costs
for parts you had transactions for.
If you build a report based on the PartTran Table joined to the Part
Table. Sort on PartNum. Filter for a TranDate range and use average,
minimum or maximum to agregate the MtlUnitCost you can compare the
material costs for part you transactions for.
If you want compare this years tranactions with last years
transactions Use calculated fields
LastYearMtlCost = iif(TranDate >= 1/1/03 AND TranDate <= 12/31/03,
MtlUnitCost, 0)
ThisYearMtlCost = iif(TranDate >= 1/1/04 AND TranDate <= 12/31/04,
MtlUnitCost, 0)
Then average, minimum or maximum those to get your comparison.

RUss Dover

To: "VantageGroup (E-mail)" <>
From: Cliff Drumeller <cliff@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder question

> Hey All
> Is it possible to write a report that would compare last years
> Part.StdMaterialCost with the current Part.StdMaterialCost. I'm
> drawing a
> blank. If you give a date range for 2003 to pick up last years cost
> how do
> you get the current cost ?? I'm sure someone has figured it out.
> Cliff Drumeller
> IT Manager
> Mass Precision Sheetmetal
> 408 954 0200 x 217
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You
> must have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable
> access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
You could turn on the change log maintenance for
Part.StdMaterialCost. This will create a record in the Chglog table
for any changes made to the Std Material Cost. Won't help for last
year but maybe in the future.

Andy Berg
National Tube Form
260-478-2363 x 211

--- In, Cliff Drumeller <cliff@m...> wrote:
> Hey All
> Is it possible to write a report that would compare last
> Part.StdMaterialCost with the current Part.StdMaterialCost. I'm
drawing a
> blank. If you give a date range for 2003 to pick up last years
cost how do
> you get the current cost ?? I'm sure someone has figured it out.
> Cliff Drumeller
> IT Manager
> Mass Precision Sheetmetal
> 408 954 0200 x 217
You could turn on the change log maintenance for Part.StdMaterialCost. This
will create records in the Chglog table for any changes made to the Std
Material Cost. It won't help for last year but maybe in the future.

Andy Berg

National Tube Form

260-478-2363 ext 211


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Dover [mailto:rdover@...]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Report Builder question

StdMaterialCost is in the Part Table and contains the current value.
MtlUnitCost is in the PartTran Table and contains the material costs
for parts you had transactions for.
If you build a report based on the PartTran Table joined to the Part
Table. Sort on PartNum. Filter for a TranDate range and use average,
minimum or maximum to agregate the MtlUnitCost you can compare the
material costs for part you transactions for.
If you want compare this years tranactions with last years
transactions Use calculated fields
LastYearMtlCost = iif(TranDate >= 1/1/03 AND TranDate <= 12/31/03,
MtlUnitCost, 0)
ThisYearMtlCost = iif(TranDate >= 1/1/04 AND TranDate <= 12/31/04,
MtlUnitCost, 0)
Then average, minimum or maximum those to get your comparison.

RUss Dover

To: "VantageGroup (E-mail)" <>
From: Cliff Drumeller <cliff@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder question

> Hey All
> Is it possible to write a report that would compare last years
> Part.StdMaterialCost with the current Part.StdMaterialCost. I'm
> drawing a
> blank. If you give a date range for 2003 to pick up last years cost
> how do
> you get the current cost ?? I'm sure someone has figured it out.
> Cliff Drumeller
> IT Manager
> Mass Precision Sheetmetal
> 408 954 0200 x 217
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You
> must have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable
> access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:


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