Releasing a license from an external application

Is this the proper procedure?

Using epiSession As New Session(“manager”, “manager”, “AppServerDC://ServerName:Port”, Session.LicenseType.Default)
Dim _boReader As New BOReader(epiSession.ConnectionPool)
End Using

It’s been over a decade since I read VB but I think so.

There are a variety of mechanisms to make server calls. See the ‘Integration Examples’ doc I pushed up here some time ago.

I am hoping to expand this a bit and get into the EDU courses.

var userName = “manager”;
var password = “Epicor123”;
var sysConfigFile = @“C:_projects\ice3\Current\Deployment\Client\config\local.sysConfig”;

        using (var session = new Session(userName, password, Session.LicenseType.Default, sysConfigFile))
            var bo = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<TipImpl>(session, Ice.Proxy.BO.TipImpl.UriPath);