Regenerate Data Model Error

Yep here’s the contents of the file -

Start time: 1/9/2018 9:50:43 AM
Database server: EPICORSQL
Database name: E10_Dev
Using Windows authentication: False
User ID: sa
Schemas to include: 
Tables to exclude: Ice.SysSequence,Ice.DBMigrationLog,Ice.SessionState,Ice.SysAgentSchedProcessing
Generator version: 3.1.400.0
Server version: 3.1.400.9
Extracting "Epicor.ServiceModel.dll" from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\3.1.400\DataModelGenerator\..\" to "C:\Users\clonge\AppData\Local\Temp\Epicor\DataModelGenerator\Deployment\Server\Bin".
Extracting "Epicor.System.dll" from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\3.1.400\DataModelGenerator\..\" to "C:\Users\clonge\AppData\Local\Temp\Epicor\DataModelGenerator\Deployment\Server\Bin".
Synchronizing schema changes.
At least one user defined column must be defined.
Error Generating the Data Models: The following tables were not synchronized due to errors. Review the log for more detailed information. Tables:

So the “At least one user defined column must be defined.” line led me to believe that I needed to add a column in the new InvcHead_UD table. Now I added the column and regen’d and it successfully went through…


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Yeah, that would cause it to fail.
Glad it helped.