RDD adding Table

I noticed under mine the feild I wanted was not Picked. I added it but still no luck.


Reading this thread, I feel like there are two separate conversations going on.

Kimberly is wanting to manually add the table in RDD and then use in the ARForm report.

Most of the rest of the time is trying to convince her to use the pick link option.

Kimberly will need to decide which path to go down. Are you wanting to learn the manual table add for future reference or do you just want to get the fields added in the report and finish it?

What fields from which table(s) exactly are you trying to put in the report?

If you can answer those questions, I will try and help you down the chosen path.



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Verify the table with the fields you want to use is moved to the Picked side of the Pick Links sheet…

On the Description Fields sheet, select your table from the drop down list and then move any required fields you want from Available to Picked. Save the RDD and open your custom SSRS report in Report Builder…

Now that the fields you want have been added to the RDD, they must also be added to the SSRS in two places. Add the the DataSet query and also the the Field List.

Edit the query to include the added RDD fields you want. You will need to find the alias to the main table in the query statement. For this example, OrderLine is linked through the InvcDtl table that is referred to as T2…

Add the field statement to the query: alias.linkedTable_fieldName
For this example T2.OrderLine_ShortChar04

Finally, add a Query Field to the Field List so it is available to add to your report…


A little taken back by your response. The only reason the linked tables it talked about is because someone mentioned that the table may already exist. So if it exists why is it not working?

I have originally added a new table. I have added sever but I am focusing on one because one I get on figured out then the others should work in the same sense.

I added the ShipHead table because I need the Tracking Number field.

But I still need the field from the Order Detail (line) which appears to be a linked table.

I did Excatly that and I get an Error dataset…once i remove it from the query the form is fine.

Could you show the query statement that is giving you the error?

Here it is attached. It is big and messy. I noted where I try to add it and what I have tried.ARForm.docx (14.3 KB)

OK, the Tracking Number is located in the ShipHead table. This is a Linked Table under InvcDtl as PackNum. Verify that PackNum is Picked under Linked Tables…

Next, select PackNum from the dropdown on Description Fields and pick TrackingNumber from Available…

Add T2.PackNum_TrackingNumber to your query and PackNum_TrackingNumber to the Field List in the SSRS report.

Ok, I had tried this before but I went back and tried it again…slowly following your instructions, in case I messed up before.
Already had the Tracking Number in the Linked Tables selected.

I get this error…

I am wondering if ti need to delete all of them and start over. The RDD and the SSRS Report.

I noticed in an earlier post a number of added tables and relations to the RDD

I believe all of these are already available through Linked Tables so would not need to be added again. Perhaps if those tables and relationships were deleted that would clear it up.

Does the error message give you any more information if you click on Details?

I did delete the Ship Head and relationship I created I can delete the others too.

Nope what I send was all that was in the error message. Once I take the T2.PackNum_TrackingNumber out of the query it runs fine but course I don’t have my data.

How are you testing the SSRS report? Are you running the report through Epicor or using a data sample? If using a data sample, have you regenerated the sample since adding the Linked Tables?

IT is working!!! created a new data sample. I hope that wasn’t my problem the whole time…GOOD GRIEF!! I did do some new data sets but may not have kept up with it. UGH!!!

So as long as i have a linked table I don’t have to add it. Now these linked table are not really true table names. I need to get something from Order Detail and I see order Line. Do you know there logic behind that?

Instead of Table, think key field. OrderHed key field is OrderNum, OrderDtl key field is OrderLine, ShipHead key field is PackNum, etc…

Aghh…gotcha. That helps a lot. Thank you !!

No problem. Glad I could help.

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