Depends on what version you are coming FROM. From 9 to 10 - complete rewrite but I assume you know that already. From 10.1.500 to 10.2.300 there were a number of small things but nothing major. One things we notices that was two of our configurators would just hang when opening and another would open but none of the fields were editable. We just exported and reimported them and that fixed it. That didn’t happen during the test cycle so we’re a keeping an eye on the rest of them.
Super easy. Add the extension in the admin console and set the metadata path in Company Maintenance (to a UNC Path as noted in We also did the Epicor Mobile Access extension…
Our users are liking it a lot. We’ve got sales guys using EMA and EWA as a backup client when their hotel internet sucks. We’ve got Shop floor supervisors wearing small tablets using both EWA and EMA for data entry and monitoring jobs and stuff. And we’ve just bought 4 more tablets. Tomorrow we’re converting our MES clients to use the MES Web client here and in the UK and Netherlands and get them off the RDP server. We’ll be able to eliminate two RDP servers, full clients on 30 machines and provide VPN-less connectivity to remote users (for work-from-home scenarios) if we choose. All in all it’s a good thing and get’s them all used to the web aspect so the new Kinetic interface won’t scare them too much.
Pierre - funny you say that - we cant’ get the ‘clear password checkbox’ working on the new reset password functionality… Any clues? I haven’t opened a ticket for that yet…
Yes under the company maintenance, can’t remember for now… there is a check Allow blank… or something like that
I am not at office, will get back to you…
Obviously, blank passwords from a security standpoint are not really a good idea™ ESPECIALLY if you’re in the cloud. It wouldn’t take much social engineering to get a password set to blank and then provide access of the targeted person - most likely a Finance person.
@Mark_Wonsil & @Hogardy - thanks for that tidbit guys!! Agreed, blanks are bad, and the email that goes out isn’t great. While I like what they’ve done, hopefully Epicor can make that all a little better or even add user self-reset capability like with AD.
Hi @MikeGross,
We just upgraded from 10.1.500.17 to 10.1.600.30 aa couple months ago to stay in active support and had major issues with our AP conversion. Did you have any such issues when going from 10.1.500.17 to 10.2.300.9?
Did you have any external customizations/BPMs that weren’t working after the upgrade? I’d like to move to 10.2 for the kinetic dashboards, but I’m a little gun shy after the 10.1.500 to 10.1.600 upgrade.
Dusty, can’t say that we had any problems in AP but we’ve had some really weird things I’m still working on. For example, our Currency exchange rates will not transfer via multi-company, but everything else in MC works. And I will say that a number of BPMs needed to be massaged, but mostly just the updateable BAQs needed to be rebuilt manually. Some of our UI customizations needed to be edited because Epicor moved things around in the UI so our additional fields and theirs were overlapping. But that’s about it.
@jeowings, we were having issues with our 1250 conversion. It took nearly 2 months back and forth with support to get it resolved. After our upgrade, we starting having issues with taxable amounts changing and tax headers disappearing in AP invoice entry.
@MikeGross, thanks for the information on that. Even though we moved to active support on 10.1.600, there are a lot of fixes that dev is only working on in 10.2, so we’re leaning towards upgrading again. We have some BPMs/customizations that utilize custom dlls from the server directory that caused some issues when going from 10.1.500.17 to 10.1.600.30, so I was curious about your experience from 10.1.500 to 10.2.300. Do you have any external reporting or data warehouse mechanisms that pull data directly from the database? If so, did you notice any major DB schema changes?
I’ve been keeping a master list of the changes using the release note spreadsheets. Between 10.1.600.25 and 10.2.300.12 there are a substantial number of resolved issues, not to mention application enhancements. If are interested in the detail and don’t want to be bothered with compiling you own PM me.
Dusty - we have EDA and AFR which both take directly from the Epicor database. The AFR stuff works just fine since it’s only the basic financial data, but I haven’t gotten around to checking everything in EDA yet. We also don’t have any custom DLLs or that sort of thing either. Not much help for you I suppose…
Will do. This is one of the very strange things we’ve encountered. BOth of the Web clients (MES and EWA) seem to lock out a user account the second they login. (didn’t happen at 10.1.500) So I’m working on that when I have time.
Simon - I feel your pain. I was the only Epicor person at my last gig and while I’ve got another guy here doing configurator stuff, I still take most of the burden for now. Slowly but surely he’s taking on more and more - so that is very good for me.
John - we processed the Review journals and AP/AR groups so none were out there, but we did not have any issues with open packslips, receipts, RMAs or inspections.
Back from E9 to E10 you were supposed to flush the IM tables, but if Multi Company is working properly, then your IM tables should be clean. I do my work on Sunday mornings and everyone knows by Friday to not be in the system - and MC Direct Server process runs regularly so by the time I start on Sunday my IM tables are empty… Cant’ say for sure it would be a problem, but the update pDF doesn’t mention IM tables.
What steps did you take to move the credit card orders with open authorization? Support is saying we close the orders and reopen them after migration, did you have to that step? And, did you need to reauthorize the cards after token migration?
@MikeGross Hey Mike, do you use the Conversion Params XML file and run the Conversion Workbench process to import your Transaction Types and Posting Rules or do you do it manually?