Yet another scam. I’ve never managed to get one of those to a zero balance yet.
A Large Lovers Model?
I do like me a fat boy
I’m a cheap date, but I’ve never had a cheap date.
You coming to Vegas?
Not all costs are measured in money. #BeenThere
Well we did such a good job reporting these folks that me checking if it was blocked this morning triggered our security measures and got me my poor laptop in trouble #GoUS…
Now I wait till my laptop stops smoking from the mandatory scans that it triggered #WorthIt Might look like this in a bit
I really wanted to click into that URL and/or search for it but I feared that it might call attention to me somewhere on some watchdog dashboard. So I just took everyone’s word for it that the site was blocked and assumed it would be blocked for me too. Sorry to hear about your mom. That was very elaborate.
Why is it that my picture appears under these two posts??
I’m a little late to the thread, but just so you know, this type of scam that’s been going around is known as a “pig butchering scam”. John Oliver did a decent video covering them several months ago:
And recently, a bank executive who fell for one of these scams and stole money from the bank, causing it to go under, to try to unlock the returns promised by the scammers was convicted to 24 years in prison: Ex-bank CEO gets 24 years after falling for crypto scam, causing bank collapse | Ars Technica
Thanks Chris,
Oh I know all about Pig butchering I watched that Episode when it came out, I love John Oliver.
I just was impressed by the fact that they had a fully working “fake” trading platform that was next level from what I had seen in the past.
Wow! That’s an incredibly elaborate scam!
We’ve had scammers send us emails that look as if they come from some of our suppliers and are sending us a change of bank information for ACH payments. My policy is to call my supplier and confirm whether they actually sent the email or not – so far that has worked and we’ve not sent money to the wrong people. Unfortunately, one of our customers fell for a similar scam from someone pretending to be from our company and they took it at face value and sent $7k in payments to somewhere other than us! They’re a small company and that’s a big chunk of cash for them …not to mention us. We didn’t find out about it until we checked to see when they were going to make payment only to be told they already had… sadly to the wrong account.