Printing to Printer 10.1 v 10.2 - SSRS PDF Output Difference

Epicor 10.1.500.46 = PDFPrintingNet 2.0

Epicor 10.2.300.13 = PDFPrintingNet 4.7.3
If set, it will scale the page according to the chosen scale type. If not set, it will use the Shrink scaling type


Let me try to sum this all up. Some of this is from memory so don’t throw anything if I make a mistake.

First, let’s talk about how PDFs are used in printing. E10 asks SSRS to render a PDF. That is 100% handled by SSRS. That seems to have stayed very stable across the versions of SSRS. Somewhere above in the thread it was asked to email the report so you could get the actual PDF. You could also save from System Monitor even after it is printed. These, as far as I know, would stay identical across the different versions of SQL Server and not be affected by the version of E10.

The next part is where all the trouble comes in. As @hkeric.wci just stole my thunder, we use PdfPrintingNet.dll from Here’s the versions I checked: = 10.1.500 and before = 10.1.600 - 10.2.200 = 10.2.300 - future!

In the version switch from to, they changed how they were scaling by default. We did our best to get it to match what the previous version did. I didn’t directly deal with this issue, and don’t clearly remember all the conversations. It was decided that we would keep the newer version for a number of bugs it fixed.

As I mentioned, I didn’t directly deal with customers to solve the scaling issues. Most reports don’t matter since the difference is small. Preprinted forms are where the problem is. If anything moves or changes size, it won’t match the preprinted form. I think the solution was to modify the SSRS RDL so that it fits with the new scaling.

I think the size difference (7mb to 28mb) comes from them adding a PDF viewer. I wish that would have been in a separate DLL since we don’t use that functionality at all.

EMF vs PDF was brought up because E10 “owns” the previewing and printing parts. This is analogous to PdfPrintingNet.dll and whatever PDF viewer you use. The scaling, etc. should be the same for EMF through the different versions of E10. I haven’t heard any issues with it, but then the default is PDF so I don’t know how much it is being used.

I think that may cover most of the points in the thread. Let me know if I missed something and I might be able to fill in more information.


Awesome! I thought I was going insane. Yes we have adjusted our RDLs and Margins, still having some issues with Pre-Printed forms despite going to margin 0 because you can’t go negative in SSRS… But workable.

Do you have plans to set the Scaling in 10.2.500 back to NoScale, in other words, should we be keeping a backup of the “before tweak rdls” ? Or do you plan to continue leaving it as-is.

I agree EMF Works Great, only minor issue is fonts need to reside on client MICR, Barcodes, etc… to PDF Works great and like you said only when you start to go to the Printer it does something weird.


We want to make the scaling as correct as possible out of the box. If we change it again, it will mess everybody up. When PdfPrintingNet makes a change, we have to try to pick the best settings to match how it worked before. I don’t think we are bumping the PdfPrintingNet version, so 10.2.500 should be identical to 10.2.300 and 400.


Far enough! Thank you very much for chiming in. That helps definitely everyone as a heads-up. Like you said who cares if ARForm or PickList is scaled by 0.1% you can barely notice it. I just have to test some of the more special Reports like Cycle Count Tags, MICR of course, few custom BAQ Reports like Vehicle Titles, SSRS Labels etc…

@Bart_Elia give this man a raise! :slight_smile:


@ckrusen @asmar @ERPSysAdmin check out Jeffs answer, if you are still on 10.1.400 or 10.1.500 and you plan to upgrade, make sure to Regression test your “Special Reports” by Printing them to a Printer such as MICR etc… #PhysicalPrinting

Also thank you to both of you as well, for attempts and thoughts


Thanks Jeff!


Yes, thank you @hkeric.wci for posting this topic, doing all of that investigation, asking the questions, and getting an answer! And thank you @JeffLeBert for providing that answer!

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I see that @JeffLeBert answered this one, but I am curious about the margins in the Printer settings:

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I don’t think the margins are used by PDF reports. The margins you would care about are the ones in the SSRS RDL.


Thank you.

@JeffLeBert May 1000 elephants fertilize your pumpkin patch with their droppings, that was the info we needed and we were able to resolve all our issues. :+1:


Thanks, I think. :slight_smile: