I know the TaskClientID shows up in Session.TaskClientID and its Computer Name + Epicor Username for example “HP-PC manager”.
I wonder if Epicor automatically fills this in when there is an actual Client Session, but it doesn’t do that for REST, or does something different with Rest.
I assume you have a BPM where you specify BAQ Report Parameters:
- WorkstationID
- PrinterID
I wonder if you need to add some logic to populate these additional parameters, just to make REST happy (These are acceptable BAQReport Params):
- Cur-Comp
- Cur-Plant
- Cur-TaskClientID
Perhaps when it detects the Client Type to be REST it doesn’t populate all of the vars, so maybe you need to explicitly define them… I wonder if you can just get it from Session.TaskClientID or if it will be happy if you use WorkStationID for it.
If I look at the SSRS BAQReportParameter table, this is what it has when I run it through the Client…
I wonder what REST would be doing diff.