Printing from a uBAQ called via REST fails

You probably don’t use those in REST. I assume in REST you would have a Service Account for API Calls, with Session Impersonation.

First of all Recommendation from @aidacra

Basically what that setting does is when you Submit a Queued Job to the Agent, it knows where to send the ex PDF Preview too. Imagine if you have a Terminal Server (Citrix, RDS) you probably have 30-50 Users Connected, it determines where to send the result to. Have you ever been connected to 2-3 PCs with the same UserID and you Print Preview something, it doesn’t show up, later you login and they all popup.

You can Run Reports Directly (example one)


Then there is a GetReportBytes API Call you can get the bytes and write to ex .pdf

The Equivalent in LINQ (perhaps its easier to understand) is:

var SysRptRow =
(from sr in Db.SysRptLst.With(LockHint.NoLock)
    sr.Company == Session.CompanyID
    && sr.UserID == Session.UserID
    && sr.RptDescription.Contains("Process Payments")
    && sr.PrintProgram.Contains("MICRChkPrint")
    && sr.RptData != null
  orderby sr.SysTaskNum descending
  select sr

if (SysRptRow != null) {
  System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"\\UNC\Path\file.pdf", SysRptRow.RptData);
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